Friday, December 16, 2011

"It's the Thought That Counts"

The holidays are coming up and we are all itching to have  time off to enjoy, what most people say, is their favorite time of the year. Whether you are celebrating Christmas or not, most all of us will be receiving gifts! During this time of year, it's not uncommon to hear the statement "it is the thought that counts."  When you receive a gift, it is important to think about the effort the giver has taken to give you that gift. But to what extent is this statement  true? All of us have been in the situation that you have to tell your mom you "love" the scarf she bought you or thanking your dad for the game cube that's "virtually the same as the Xbox Kinnect".  Do you believe that no matter what the present is, it is the effort that matters? Here's a fun little video! You'll be glad that your gifts aren't nearly as bad as the ones mentioned in this video!

Here are a couple of my favorite holiday videos to enjoy.

I know that you  have worked hard this semester.  I appreciate your work and want to wish you and your families  happy holidays and a great break!  Finally, I want to give a huge shout out to my guest blogger.  Although she wishes to remain anonymous, I hope she knows how much I am grateful for her writing this blog.

Monday, December 12, 2011

All I Want for Christmas (is a funny video)

Imagine being in the British Navy and leaving for a seven week training exercise.  Now try to imagine that it soon turns into a seven month deployment as your  ship is assigned other tasks.  So, maybe you want to record a video to send home to families and friends letting them know you are on your way home.  Navy ships do it all the time.  Would you make it serious or funny, especially with the holidays approaching?  You decide on funny and create one unforgettable video that rapidly goes viral and is seen on most every news service throughout the world. 

Thus you have  this video produced by the HMS Ocean called All I Want for Christmas, set to the Mariah Carey tune of the same name.  Take a look at the video.  Do you think it is funny?  I think I understand British humor and I certainly understand Navy humor, and I think it is!  Very simply,tell us what you think of the video.  If you were a family member of one of this ship's sailors would you be laughing?  Would you have done something different?

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Green Men

I have been asked to repeat one of my most popular blogs from recent years.  Enjoy this one!
Even if you are not a hockey fan, you have just got to love these green guys. Since December 2009 , the pair have become fixtures at Vancouver Canucks hockey games. Known for taunting players on opposing teams, the green men certainly add "color" to the games. Videos of their antics have popped up on YouTube and sports highlight shows. In addition, they have their own web site, and a Facebook page with over 160,000 likes!

We will look at a news article on them and view a couple of videos.
What do you think of them? Are they amusing, nuisances or just plain funny? Do you think there is a place for other green guys in sports besides hockey? Remember to proofread!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Symbols of the Holidays

You see them everywhere. Christmas Trees, Santas, Menorahs, candles, wreaths and lights. Yes, they are the symbols of the Holiday season. But, how much do you really know about them? Where have all the symbols come from and what kind of history do they have?

Here is your assignment: Pick a symbol of the upcoming holiday season and find out about (research) it. Then tell us about the history, origin or other interesting information about your chosen symbol in your posting!

This should be at least 3 sentences long and be proofread. Have fun and I hope you learn something new!

Monday, December 5, 2011

You Are a Mean One Ms. Grinch

Can you believe the audacity (go ahead, look it up if you need to) of some people?  I am not even sure if the Grinch would approve of this.  It seems that a lady in St. Louis has been stealing Christmas trees from a lot run by the Boy Scouts.  Here is the news article complete with video that you just have to see.  Can you believe that she has done this for several years, also?  What do you think of this?   What do you think the punishment should be, if she is caught?   Do you think she will ever return the trees or at least the value of those that she took.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Twelve Days of Christmas

We are all familiar with the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." If you were to purchase all the gifts mentioned in the song, how much would it cost? Do you wonder how many total gifts that would be. For example is it only 1 partridge in a pear tree or 12 of them?

So your assignment for today's blog is simple. How many total presents  will you need to purchase? How much will it all cost you? Of the twelve  presents purchased, which one is your favorite and why? You will need to do some web searching and a calculator is probably a good idea. Remember to proofread!

On a more serious note, some of you seem to think that posting is optional. It is not. Proper posting is required. You can not earn your full daily class grade if you do not post, or if your post is not up to standards. So make it simple and do it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Cows are Taking Over the World

They are everywhere. You see them on billboards, at the mall, in other shopping areas,  and in commercials on television. They even have their own college football games!   That's right, I am talking about those wild and crazy Chick-fil-A cows. Thinking about it, don't you agree that the person who created that advertising idea was very clever?

Do you like to eat at Chick-fil-A? Why or why not? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Do you like the ads, or have they gotten boring and old?

Check out their website! The history and policies of Chick-fil-A are interesting to read. Let me know what you think! Oh, yes include one neat Chick-fil-A fact in your post. Proofread!

Cows ROCK!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Blonde Controversy

People always say "Oh my God did you see that blonde?!" Blonde haired people always seem to get the most attention whether it be in the media, or just everyday life. This may be because their hair is usually bright and shiny,or maybe it is simply because it stands out from more common dark colors.  However that is not my point. I want to ask the world famous question: "Are blondes really the best?"

A big thank you to today's guest blogger, who wished to remain anonymous.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For some it is a day of football, for others a day to plan their Friday shopping excursions, and for others a chance to enjoy a feast with family and friends. Thanksgiving should also be a day when we reflect on all that we have to be thankful for! Thanksgiving has a long history dating back to the ancient Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. In America it can be traced back over 350 years!

How do you and your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you have traditions that you follow? Will you eat too much? Tell us about what you plan on doing for Thanksgiving, and what it means to you in your posting. Remember to use at least three to five sentences!

And, finally, I hope each and every one of you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
And, here are a couple of clips to make you smile.

Monday, November 21, 2011


You have heard many things about words.  Some of these sayings might be as simple as "words have meanings" and "your words become you."   Here is a bit of a more complex thought:  "Change your words. Change your world."

Take a look at the power of changed words
What did you think of the video?  Do you believe that your words really can change your world?  What kind of effect would the new sign have had on you?
(3-5 Sentences)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Mom Song

Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? The YouTube sensation has been seen many times, both on television and the Internet. Here is the premise: in just about three minutes she sings all the things a mom might say in a typical day. Very funny and also entertaining!

Of course, as with many discussions between parents and teens, there are probably going to be some comments. Let's watch Ms. Renfore's version. And of course the teen's perspective. Is that a normal thing to follow the first video? After you have viewed the videos, post your comments (remember 3-5 sentences).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn, the newest movie in the Twilight series opens this Friday.

All right, I will admit that I am not a fan of the Twilight series of movies.  I have not seen any of them and do not plan to see any of them.  However, I understand the popularity of the series.  Over the last three years, many students have told me how much they like the movies and enjoy reading the books.

How many of you will be going to see "Breaking Dawn" when it opens?  Will you be going to see it on the day it opens, or will you wait several days to let the crowds thin out?  Or will you not be going to see it? 

In your post, please tell us what you think of the Twilight series and whether you will be watching the movie? Why do you like or not like the movies?  And remember, three to five sentences.   Here is the trailer .  Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

And Away we Go!

After much discussion, it is time to begin blogging as a class.
Thank you for checking out this blog. This is intended to be a teaching tool for my  classes. Just a few quick rules. First, be respectful, tolerant and positive in your comments. Remember that this is an open blog and anyone (including your classmates) can see what you write.  Do a good job!  Second: You must post to my blog to earn your full class participation grade for that day. We blog on many, but not all days. Thirdly, your comments must be grammatically correct and spelled properly. Fourth: have fun!  Now before you post, let's discuss my expectations for this activity in greater detail.

Tell us what you think of this. For this and all comments, remember to respond using a full paragraph (3-5 sentences).

Thursday, June 9, 2011


We all fail at one time or the other. Some of us fail more noticeably than others. Describe a time when you have failed. Was it as bad as some of these in the video? How did you react to it? If you were to make a fail montage what clips would you include in it?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Extreme Weather Watch!

I'm sure many of you have noticed the weird weather lately. From tornadoes ripping through entire cities, rain ruining lots of homes, to blazing heat: the weather has been a little crazy! Personally I would like if it could be a mild temperature, and get a little rain every few days just to keep everything moist. Watch this video.

What is your view on the weather we are having? Do you wish you could change the weather? Do you like it the way it is? What would be your favorite weather to have if you could choose?

A special shout out of thanks to today's guest blogger: Savannah N!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Super Hero

Some of you may have heard of the recent heroics of Eddie Peoples, who recently foiled a bank robbery. Eddie is also a Sergeant in the U.S. Army and has served several tours in war zones overseas. Watch the news story of Eddie's heroics. Do you think he is a hero? Would have done the same things he did, including chasing the bank robber? Or would you have done something else?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

SOL Time

They are here and you may have already taken one of them. That's right, I am talking about SOL tests. They are among the most stressful things going on at WHS this week and next. Doesn't it seem that everyone is talking about them?

Teachers stress over them. Parents stress over them. Students probably stress over them, also. Are they causing you a lot of stress? What do you think of them? If you could, would you change them and how? Please tell us what you think of them and if you would make any changes to the format.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


One of my favorite TV shows is Wipeout. I imagine that it is one of yours. Since debuting several years as a summertime filler, it is now on pretty much all year. Between the Big Balls, funny announcers and numerous wipeouts, it is sure to leave you laughing! Here are a few videos to leave you laughing. Do you enjoy Wipeout as much as I do? Is it the funniest show on television. If it is not the funniest show, then what is?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who's to Blame???????

Imagine a world in which your parents could be fined if you are tardy or truant. And imagine if you will that teachers could grade your parents as well as you. Sound crazy?

As the video shows, several states are actually considering proposals very similar to those.

What do you think of these proposals? Will they make a difference in how students perform? Is it fair to hold parents accountable for student performance in school? If parents were held accountable in some way would that change your performance in school?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's Your Sign???

We all have heard a thing or two about Zodiac signs; some people believe that they are the key to your personality and your flaws of life.

My sign is the Leo, or the lion. Once reading about the Leo I was very shocked that most of the things that are said are actually true. Reading my horoscope from day-to-day is just something I like to do.

Today I would like to know if you believe in Zodiac Signs and horoscopes? If not, why? If you do, what makes you proud to be the sign that you are? Have you read any interesting things about your sign that fit you?

If you need help figuring things out about your sign here is a recommended website!

Once you're here choose your sign and it will give you information.

Many thanks to today's guest blogger: Becca B!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Sign Song

I know everyone has seen the show Sesame Street. Todays blog will be about signs, meaning the signs you see anywhere such as street signs or posters. Watch this video on youtube of Elmo and Chris Brown singing about signs all over the world. Tell me what you think about the song and what you think about Elmo and Chris Brown's choreograghy!

Many thanks to today's guest blogger, Kiana B!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's Your Favorite Quote?!

Today I would like for you to blog about your favorite quote or quotes. Everyone has a saying that means something to them personally. It's like a personal message to yourself to hold on to.

Quotes come in many topics such as love, life, and friends.

My favorite quote would have to be one written by Marilyn Monroe, she said " When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." To me this would relate to life. People come and go and they all will say things they choose. If they want to waste time talking about you or what you do then you're already one step ahead of them.

Take the time to think about what your favorite quote is. Post the quote and explain why you chose this as your favorite. What does it relate to? Does it have any meaning to you? Who created it?

Thanks to today's guest blogger: Becca B.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friday the 13th

Are you wondering why there was no blog last Friday? It seems that the Blogger site that I use to create my posts went down early Thursday. This meant that my post was lost as well as all the comments that fourth block wrote on Wednesday were also lost. Those comments were accepted but were lost in the Blogger issue.

I am surprised that no one blamed the drop on Friday the 13th.

Check out the wiki site. Certainly you are aware of the reputation of Friday the 13th being unlucky. Did you have anything unusual or unlucky happen that day? Are you superstitious about Friday the 13th, or is just another day for you? Your assignment is to share what you think about Friday the 13th. Also, I want you to check out the site and share an interesting fact about the day.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Disney Movies

Everyone remembers those days when you were little and you kept playing that one movie over and over again. Mom or dad would always be singing the songs around the house; they've heard it so much.

I still have all my Disney movies in a container under my bed, except Peter Pan. It's still on the shelf. It would have to be my favorite. I just like the whole flying, mystical mermaids, Captain Hook thing. Also, its' story line is awesome!

Today I would like for you all to blog about your favorite Disney movie when you were young. Why is it your favorite? Who's your favorite character? Why? What's your favorite part?

A special shout out to today's guest blogger, Becca B!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oswald's Story

You have heard of Mickey Mouse but did you know that he has a brother? You might not have. Mickey has a brother and his name is Oswald the lucky rabbit. His name might have lucky in it but he is not so lucky. Oswald was Walt Disney's first creation. He was one of the best cartoons ever but about a year after he was made Walt Disney lost the rights to him. Eventually this rabbit has become unloved, forgotten and replaced. Take a moment and read the wiki article about Oswald. Here is a video that may help explain what happened to his poor rabbit.

Do you think Oswald deserved what happened to him?

Why or why not?

Many thanks to my first guest blogger of the semester, Kyle A!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day has been celebrated on the second Sunday in May for many years. Check out the wiki page on Mother's Day. Mother's Day became an official American holiday in 1912.

For many people, inlcuding me, moms have had a profound influence on making our lives better. Personally speaking, I will never be able to fully comprehend all my mom has done for me, including standing by me during some really tough times.

What do you think of the holiday? What will you do to celebrate? I will send my mom a card and a gift card to her favorite theater. Of course, I will also call her!

Now, tell us what you think of the holiday. Do you have big plans for your mom? Treat her well. She deserves it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama bin Laden

Obviously, you are aware that Osama bin Laden has been killed. Are you relieved, excited or feel a sense of justification now that he is dead? Why or why not? Do you think that the US will suffer any repercussions as a result of his death? Why or why not?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is Two Weeks Enough?

You probably know that I am a huge baseball fan and that my favorite team is the Atlanta Braves. This has been a tough week to be a Braves fan. They did not play well in their just concluded weekend series against the St. Louis Cardinals.

However, the biggest news concerned the behavior of pitching coach Roger McDowell. According to witnesses MC Dowel threatened a fan in San Francisco and made homophobic comments to the man and his family as well as dropping several curse words in the presence of the man's children.

He has been suspended by Major League Baseball for two weeks without pay and fined an undisclosed amount. This news article explains in greater detail his actions and the punishment.

Now, for your assignment. After reading the article, do you think that coach McDowell's actions were appropriate? Is this punishment fair, or too harsh? Should he be punished at all? After all, Don't we live in a country where free speech is a right? If you were the Commissioner of Baseball, would you have punished him or not? If you punish him, what punishment do you give him?

As you can probably guess, I have some strong feelings on this issue. After all the replies have been posted, I will let you know what I think would have been an appropriate penalty.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


This week spare change was collected for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Last semester, we collected food for the local food bank and several classes sponsored children from The Angel Tree. Does this seem like a lot? In addition you have probably participated in a class/club fundraiser. Add this to the fundraisers you may participate in outside of school and the charities you are asked to give to and it can add up very quickly! In tough economic times, giving to charities normally falls off and they become more aggressive in their fund raising efforts.

So here are my questions for you. Is this too much? Do you feel like you are asked to give and give and give? Have you contributed to a charity this year? If so, who or what was it? Do you have a favorite charity or choose not to give to any charities.

My favorite charity is Stop Hunger Now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Green Men

Meet the Green Men. These two guys from Vancouver, Canada are fixtures at Vancouver Canucks hockey games. From funny stunts to harassing opposing players, the green guys have picked up a large fan following. Many people check the sports news to see if the latest green guy antics made Sports Center.

Now that we have looked at their web site and seen some of their videos, what do you think of them? Are they truly funny or just annoying? Would you like to see more green men at sporting events you attend?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcom Back !?!?!?!?!?

Welcome back to class. How was your break? Did you do anything exciting, or just stay home and chill for a few days? Did you travel and if so, how far? Are you ready to finish out the year? Did the alarm clock go off too early this morning?

For you post today, please tell us what you did on break! Remember to proofread.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break!

YEA!!! It is almost here. The long awaited spring break. How will you spend your break? Are you as excited as I am? It will be a week of yard work and some much needed rest. Of course, there will also be some much needed school work to be done. How about you? Do you have exciting plans for spring break? Take a few moments and respond to this post. Let us know what you plan to do. Or, would you rather be in school next week? On a different note, thank you for your hard work this semester. Keep it up. Have a great and safe break. See you next Monday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Go Cows!

You have seen them on billboards, television commercials and even in my classroom. They hang out at baseball stadiums and have their own college football bowl game. That is right, I am talking about the Chick-fil-A cows. For many people, Chick-fil-A is their favorite place to eat.

Check out their website. You might agree that they have some interesting policies and an unusual history.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Tell us about it in your post. You must also include one fact that you learned from the website. Remember to proofread.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Friday Song

I am sure that you have undoubtedly heard the song "Friday," performed by 13 year old 8th grader Rebecca Black. Rebecca's parents paid $2000 to vanity music label ARK Music Factory, so she could record a song in its' studio. Next she shot a video for the song. The studio then distributed the song and video. Rebecca has retained some of the rights of the song. Here is the music video. "Friday" has gotten about 74 million YouTube hits and lots of publicity, but mostly for being so bad.
She finally responded to all the harsh criticism during a Good Morning America interview.

What is your opinion of the song and video. Does she deserve such negative criticism? Do you think she has talent. Do you think that she and Justin Beiber will sing the next tween hit song?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Play Ball

The 2011 major league baseball season started this past weekend. How is your team doing? Some opening games were played in March!

Baseball has been the subject of numerous books, movies and songs. It is also responsible for some very interesting trivia. Did you know the term "southpaw" originates from the earliest of baseball parks.

In case you did not know, I am a big baseball fan. Actually, it is my favorite sport. What is your favorite sport? Do you have a favorite baseball team? Mine is the Atlanta Braves.

So tell us in your post about your favorite team or sport. If you do not have a favorite team or sport, then tell us what you would rather do than watch a sport. Here are some videos that should give you a smile.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool!

You should have seen this blog coming. Today is April Fool's Day. In many ways this is one of my favorite days of the year. Be prepared, you never know what may happen today! Most people enjoy a good joke or prank, as long as it is not on them!

Here is a link to the history of April Fool's Day. Check it out and read about April Fool's Day.

What did you learn about April Fool's Day? Do you enjoy it? Do you have a favorite prank you have seen, done to somebody else or read about?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time to Bust a Move

Meet Tord Korsvik, one of the Internet's newest sensations. Tord recently wowed the judges on "Norway's Got Talent" with several breakdancing moves including the pop-and-lock routine. Here is the news article. Let's watch the video.

Think you could do that? Would you like to try? What do you think of the routine? Are you impressed, or think that he is over-hyped? Remember to proofread!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Did you know that this is Chocolate Chip Cookie Week? What tastes better than a chocolate chip cookie? Are you ready to try some extreme chocolate chip cookies? Check out this site. What is your favorite cookie? Would you like to try all of them? Tell us which is your favorite or maybe one that you would avoid. Remember to proofread. My favorite is the ice cream sandwich cake. It combines two treats into one!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Mom Song

Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? The YouTube sensation has been viewed many times, both on television and the Internet. Here is the premise: in just about three minutes she sings all the things a mom might say in a typical day. Very funny and entertaining.

Of course, there is the other side of the equation, that is what a teenager thinks of this. Here is Ms. Renfroe's version. And the teen version. After viewing the videos, post your thoughts. Remember your post must be 3-5 sentences.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to Blogland

I want to thank you for being a part of this blog. This is intended to be a teaching tool for keyboarding class. Here are some quick rules: First, be respectful, tolerant and positive in your comments. You should know that I decide whose comments get published! Next, you must post to my blog to earn your full class participation grade for that day. We blog on many, but not all days. Your comments must be grammatically correct with no spelling errors. Proofreading is the secret. Finally, have fun.

Now tell us what you think of this blog and these rules. For this and all comments, remember to respond using a full paragraph. That is, three to five sentences.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well, they are almost here. Exams, that is. Semester exams are Thursday (blocks 1 and 3) and Friday (blocks 2 and 4). Of course, when your portfolio is turned in completed, you have finished my exam.

So how many exams do you have to take? Are you able to exempt any of them? Which one will be your most difficult?
Your task is simple today. You need to answer the questions above. Make sure you proofread!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who Are You Pulling For?

Jets, Steelers, Packers or Bears? The final playoff games prior to the Super Bowl are on Sunday. Who will you be cheering for, and why? If you are not pulling for any of these teams, then tell us what you will be doing Sunday afternoon and evening.

Proofread. I expect your post to be without error!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Idol is Back

American Idol begins its tenth season tonight. Over the years American Idol has become the standard by which other talent/reality shows are judged.

There are many differences between this year's show and previous seasons. For one thing, the original production crew has been brought back to help the show.

In addition to that change, there are two new judges. Paula left before last year. Kara and Ellen are not coming back. But the biggest judging news is that Simon Cowell will not be returning! Do you wonder how it will affect the program.

The new judges are Jennifer Lopez (J-LO) and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and Polar Express fame. But of course, the biggest stars are the singers. From the auditions to the finals, we all tune in to watch the singers and cheer for our favorite.

As you can guess, I am a big fan of American Idol. Think of all the artists you listen to today who got their start on Idol. There's Jennifer Hudson, Clay Aiken, Carrie Underwood, Fantasia, Adam Lambert and Taylor Hicks; just to name a few.

Or do you watch for the "train wrecks," the bad singers. the attitudes and the "unique" characters? How can you forget Sanjaya, William Hung, Bikini Girl and some of the others? Even Adam Lambert had his quirky side!

Do you watch Idol? What do you think of the new judges? Will Simon's departure hurt the show? Let us know what you think!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

With a Little Help From my Friends...

By now, you may have heard of Elizabeth Hughes. Elizabeth is an eight year old girl who sung the National Anthem at last Friday's Norfolk Admirals hockey game. Watch the video, and read the news article. What do you think of the crowd's reaction? Did you notice that someone laughs at this little girl's microphone cuts out after the words "gave proof" at about the 1:30 mark? Then someone shushes her! Then the crowd helped her finish the anthem! What a truly inspiring moment! Did you notice that this event happened in Norfolk?

Your job: Watch the video and tell us what you thought of this event. Did you notice the rudeness or the helpfulness of the crowd?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Onion

Need a good laugh? Then read the Onion! The newspaper of this satirical organization is sure to generate plenty of laughs. And maybe a few laughs is something we can all use! Satire is a type of humor that sometimes is hard to understand, but can be quite funny. Satire is defined as "the use of sarcasm, irony, ridicule or the like to expose, denounce, or deride vice, folly ,etc..." This definition is from

Your assignment is to open the Onion site, and look at today's issue. Pick one article that you think is funny and tell us what you thought of it! Remember to post your reply with three sentences and proofread!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is it Luck?

Maybe you have heard of Ted Williams. No, not the famous baseball player, but the current Internet sensation. It seems that Mr. Williams has a gift of voice and was trained in Radio. Sadly, he fell upon hard times and became homeless, panhandling for money by the side of the street in the Columbus, Ohio area. That is, until he was "discovered" and his video went viral. Read the news story and watch the video that goes along with it. You have to be impressed by it.

Here is another story about Mr. Williams. Do you think that this is the end of his story?

Here is your assignment. Read both stories. Tell us what you think of this man's journey. Will he be successful in the future? Will there be more to his story? What do you think of his voice?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Birds

On December 31, 2010 thousands of birds began falling from the sky dead in Beebe, Arkansas, thirty minutes from the beginning of the new year. Days later in Louisiana more birds fell from the sky, also dead. Also in this time period fish began dying in the Chesapeake bay. In England, thousands of dead crabs began washing up on numerous shores. On top of all this, bees are disappearing all over the country, something that has been happening for years, has now reached dangerous levels.

Many speculate that these recent happenings have something to do with the 2012 predictions of the Mayan civilization. After reading the links posted in this blog do you feel that this could be related to the Mayans? Are you worried about these sudden unexpected deaths in the world? What impact do you think the drop in the bee population will have on the world?

Don't forget to respond in at least 3 sentences.
A special thanks to our first guest blogger of the semester: Pat Thompson. And remember, we are always looking for guest bloggers!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Wipeout

If you have looked at previous posts on this blog, you will notice that we have blogged on the television show Wipeout several times. If you have been missing Wipeout, I have good news for you! Winter Wipeout premieres tomorrow night on ABC at 8 pm. Here is a promotional video for the show. And here is another.

If you are not familiar with Wipeout, the concept is simple. Contestants attempt to complete a series of obstacle courses, fastest time wins. The prize is usually $50,000. Of course the appeal of the show is the obstacles which are just about impossible to complete, causing the contestants to "wipe out." These obstacles include the "sucker punch," the "motivator" and every body's favorite, the "Big Balls."

For the last several years, Wipeout has been on during the summer when it is warm outside. Winter Wipeout is run during much colder times. It should be interesting to watch. Have you watched Wipeout before? What did you think of it? Will you be watching it tomorrow night? Remember to give us at least three sentences in your paragraph. Proofread!