Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Hanukkah!

Tonight at sunset, Hanukkah begins. Besides the fact that it can be spelled several different ways, what do you really know about Hanukkah? Is it the Jewish version of Christmas? Probably not! Is it eight nights of presents like Adam Sandler sings about? Or is it something more?

So, how much do you know about Hanukkah? This website is very helpful and filled with information about Hanukkah. Read it and you might learn some things about Hanukkah. Your assignment is to research the site, learn two facts about Hanukkah and present them in your reply. Your reply needs to be a paragraph with at least five sentences in it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grinches in Norfolk?

I am not even sure that The Grinch would go this far. It seems that this past Friday, two men stole a Salvation Army change kettle from a Walmart on Tidewater Drive in Norfolk. Can you believe it?

Read the news article from the Virginian Pilot. What do you think? Does it bother you that money supposedly going to a charity, was stolen? Do you wonder how much money was stolen ? Do you think they will give it back?

I am interested in your opinion! So make sure you read the article.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Black Friday

The day after tomorrow (Friday) has recently become known as Black Friday. Where did the term originate and how? According to Wikipedia: Most retailers operate at a loss for most of the year. Their profits generally are made during the Holiday shopping season, which begins the day after Thanksgiving. A common accounting practice is to use red ink to indicate a loss and black ink to show a profit. Thus the term Black Friday. Many retailers seem to be offering lots of sales and good deals. I wonder how good a deal they really are?

Of course, you have probably seen many advertisements telling you about all the great deals retailers have lined up for Black Friday. Many retailers will be opening as early as 3 am and in some instances as early as 10 pm on Thanksgiving night. Will you be hitting the stores for these sales? Do you have one store in particular that you will be going to?

Here is a video that you may have seen.

Your assignment. Tell us about what you will be doing on Friday. will you be hitting the sales or staying away? Do you have a favorite store? And how early will you be hitting those sale? Proofread and remember 3-5 sentences.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

For almost 400 years Thanksgiving has been an important American celebration and holiday. Check out this site for information about Thanksgiving and some of the history behind it.

So, what is important about Thanksgiving? Is it the eating, spending time with family and friends or something as simple as just having a little bit of time off?

So here is your assignment. You have two options: either tell us some facts about the holiday, or tell us what you are thankful for. Please remember to write a paragraph and proofread.

I know that the first radio broadcast of a Thanksgiving pro football game was in 1934. It was betweeen the Detroit Lions and Chicago Bears. The tickets sold out in about two weeks!

I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for my students. I know that I work you hard and that you respond very well! You guys and ladies are the best! Thank you!

See how simple that was.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Everybody loves to travel and visit new places. Don't you? Over the next several days, we will hear a lot about travel and how busy it is during the holidays. It is estimated that Thanksgiving travel will be busy this year with over 42,200,000 people traveling at least 50 miles from their homes at some point during the holiday.

Where have you traveled to and where would you like to go? Will you be traveling during Thanksgiving or Christmas break? Tell us about this in your posting. Proofread!!!

Here is a video you might enjoy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Mom Song

Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? The YouTube sensation has been seen many times, both on television and the Internet. Here is the premise: in just about three minutes she sings all the things a mom might say in a typical day. Very funny and entertaining!

Of course, as many discussions between parents and teens there are probably going to be some comments. Let's watch Ms. Renfore's version. And of course the teen's perspective. Is that a natural thing to follow the first video? After you have viewed the videos, post your comments (remember 3-5 sentences).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Harry Potter

The next Harry Potter movie opens in just 4 days! Will you be going to see it? Have you seen the trailer for the movie?

I am sure that you know about the Harry Potter series of books. Many students have read at least one of the books and probably seen at least one movie. Numerous students have remarked that the Harry Potter series got them interested in reading. Are you one of them?

This article on Wikipedia covers a lot of material about the Harry Potter series.

For your post answer these questions: Have you read at least one of the books? Have you seen any of the movies? Will you be watching this movie? What do you think of Harry Potter?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Survey Time

Isle of Wight Schools is considering going to a ten point grading scale. The arguments are many. Consider this: a 91 average is currently a B in this school. Under a ten point scale it would be an A!

This link will take you to the IWCS web site. Open it and look for the information on the ten point grading scale. Read about it and then take the survey! Yes, your opinion matters. For today, your post needs to do two things. First, answer this question: Did you complete the survey. Second, what do you think of the ten point grading scale. Remember 3-4 sentences and proofread!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day

Was there any doubt in your mind about today's blog topic? Today is Veterans Day. What do you know about this holiday? Why is it important to remember Veterans Day and celebrate this holiday? Here is a link that can give you a better understanding about Veterans Day.

Who is a veteran? How many do you know?

Your assignment. Check out the link. Tell me in a paragraph of at least three good sentences the history of Veterans Day and why it is important to remember and celebrate it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Let's Start Blogging!

Thank you for checking out this blog. This is intended to be a teaching tool for keyboarding and CIS classes. Just a few quick rules. First, be respectful, tolerant and positive in your comments. Remember that I decide whose comments get posted. Second: You must post to my blog to earn your full class participation grade for that day. We blog on many, but not all days. Thirdly, your comments must be grammatically correct and spelled properly. Fourth: have fun!

Tell us what you think of this. For this and all comments, remember to respond using a full
paragraph (3-5 sentences).