Monday, December 5, 2011

You Are a Mean One Ms. Grinch

Can you believe the audacity (go ahead, look it up if you need to) of some people?  I am not even sure if the Grinch would approve of this.  It seems that a lady in St. Louis has been stealing Christmas trees from a lot run by the Boy Scouts.  Here is the news article complete with video that you just have to see.  Can you believe that she has done this for several years, also?  What do you think of this?   What do you think the punishment should be, if she is caught?   Do you think she will ever return the trees or at least the value of those that she took.


Stephanie Hawks said...

That woman is ridiculous, why would you steal a Christmas tree? Why not just go out in the woods somewhere and get one yourself? The things people do today really surprises me.
Especially stealing from boy scouts, really?

Trey said...

I think this women is crazy. I mean who steals christmas tress. Hear punishment should be huge. I mean she should really return the trees.

Zabinski said...

So I like Christmas trees as much as the next guy but really? That's just sick to me. Stealing from boy scouts. During the holidays. On church property. Something is wrong with this lady. Some people and their priorities.

Chris said...

who steels Christmas trees! She must be desperate to steel from boy scouts. They should make her cut down a huge tree and see if she can put it in her car.

Allyssa said...

I can't believe a woman would steal a Christmas tree from boyscouts during the holidays... I guess the woman thought that since she had gotten away with it once, she could steal again. She should be fined for the cost of all the trees she stole over the years. But she probably won't pay them back the money.

Caleb Dundlow said...

I cannot believe that a women would still a tree off church ground!. But also I think it is funny at the same time because she steals trees lol. But also I think if she ever gets caught she should repay them for stealing their trees.

Marc Cowling said...

This is just hilarious! How did she pick up that tree? I can barely pick one of those big things up myself.. Not really, im stronger than that. But it really is sad that people get that desperate, And think they ave to steal to have a tree.

Jasmine Walston said...

I don't think that it was right for the woman to steal Christmas trees from the Boy Scout lot, especially considering it was on church property, and she had done it 3 years in a row. On the other hand, I don't think that she will ever admit that the thief is her though, nor even think about returning the trees to the lot owners.

Hacker said...

that lady is trifilen. she stole from a church that's just wrong. but she mite not have that much money.

Littlefield said...

Hohoho, so much is wrong with such an odd Christmas Tradition. First, she is stealing from Boy Scouts. Second, she is stealing on church property. Third, she is greedy and takes two trees. Worse of all, she steals as if there is nothing wrong with it. This ladie needs to be put in jail and should give the Boy Scouts a lot of money. Then again she does steal the tree with class. Wait what is the point of a hammer, why not a knife or a pair of scissors. Well good luck to the Boy Scouts on hunting down their theif.

Marissa Gautier said...

No I can't believe that she's been doing this for years. What kind of people steal from Boy Scouts. Then i think maybe she's poor and can't buy a tree, or maybe she just doesn't want to pay for it, either way it's steeling. I think she should have to return all the Christmaas trees and the money she owes them for the trees.

Anonymous said...

I think that is stupid that some one would steal a tree on church property. why would you steal a tree? I think that is very rediculous that bsomeone steals from boyscouts.

~blake walker~

Vonquisha Turner said...

I didn't even know that people were stealing trees from the boy scouts. I think this is really crazy who would still from some little boy scouts and on church ground at that! But I can't say she is a bad person and needs to be punished because I don't know what she goes through or what she is doing with those trees.

Austin McNew said...

I can't believe she would steal Christmas trees off Church property from Boy Scouts. If she gets caught i would throw her in jail for being a fool for the last 3 years. And I don't think she will return any trees or money from them.

coty said...

Why would someone steal a Christmas tree.(slow moment) What is really crazy is she stole 2 trees. You don't need 2 trees she's greedy.

Kain said...

The people of today just dont care about anything but themselves. Besides she only thought "Hey, what can i get out of this?" and never thought of the consequences. The punishment will probably fall under theft, but what they should do is tie her up like a pinata and let those boyscouts knock some sense into her with some sticks.

T.J. said...

The lady should have to get everyone she stole a tree. Why would u wanna steal Christmas tree that isn't cool.

Danielle said...

Christmas tree's really? This woman must be nuts in the head. Who steals from boy scouts? Evidently she does and has for many years but why though. It's just wrong to steal from boy scouts. I think she should give money back for all the trees she stole.

Anonymous said...

I think that women is just a plain thief, because she is taking Christmas trees from the boy scouts lot on a church's property. She should be fined. How could somebody steal a tree and put it in their house. Then, put gifts under it? Are the presents stolen from a store also?

-Quinton Walters-

ALEX said...

Yeah she's definitely a modern day "Grinch," if you would. Stealing things around Christmas is frowned upon by most people in this country, but that's kinda taking it a bit too far. I don't believe the location has much to do with the severity of the action because I think stealing a Christmas tree from anywhere is kind of a stupid thing to do. I understand she probably has kids that she wants to keep happy, but what mom driving a big Durango like that can't afford a tree? Looks like moms just an adrenaline junkie. I can tell because this year, taking just one tree wouldn't give her her fix. If her kids read this post, tell her to steal a fake tree next year... it'll last longer. What should happen to the crazy old lady? Make her cut down trees from a tree farm for a whole winter season for community service. On top of that, have someone steal the trees she cuts down so they don't count toward her community service hours and donate those trees to the Boy scouts. Now that's justice.

Sharod said...

I think this lady is crazy i mean a Christmas tree though.i think she have to replace all the trees that she took,paid a fine, and serve at least a month in jail.Especially getting away for a few years

Jeamis Britt said...

The nerve of a grown woman to steal from boy scouts ! Does she not have the money to support the boy scouts and pay for a tree ? Im sure it's not that expensive at all. Come on! It's a shame what the world is coming to. How would she feeel if one of those boy scouts was her son and his things were being stolen? Her punishment probably wont be anything extreme but I agree with Kain they should beat her until she understands what she did was morally wrong. Christmas is a time for giving to kids not stealing from them !

Anonymous said...

This woman is the worst person in the world. She should be put in jail for the rest of eternity. Shes an evil person for stealing trees from boy scouts.
said by josh

Ashley Rife :))) said...

This woman is a fruit loop!! Why would you steal a christmas tree? If you cant affoed a christmas tree well then, O FREAKING WELL!!! You dont need a christmas tree to celebrate christmas!!!!!!

****o***♥**o***o***♥ *

"The" Robbie said...

I think she is like a grinch of today. I don't think she would return the trees, because she probably don't want to get in trouble. I think if shes get caught her punishment should be to have a bad christmas.

Anonymous said...

Well sorry to say but the Grinch did steal the peoples Christmas trees. but he stole them from the people not boy scouts. Its just outrageous that a lady would do something like this for so long.

Chase Gore

Quinterra said...

Thats kind of weird to steal christmas trees. The crazy part is its the same lady. But the sad part is she's stealing from other people. But she might be stealing it to have Christmas for her family . But thats still not a reason to steal anything.

Sierra F said...

I personally think that this woman is low down dirty rotten *****. I mean who on earth in their right mind would not only steal from boy scouts but do it around Christmas while the trees are on church grounds?! That is absolutely asinine especially for a woman of her age. There was no reason for her to do that at all and shows just how sad this world has gotten. This woman should be be fined for all the trees she stole, be made to make a formal apology in public, and be put in jail one year for every tree she stole.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to steal a Christmas tree? I think that its really messed up for her to do that. Especially since she took it from a group of boy scouts!

~Morgan McKinney~

Anonymous said...

This woman is crazy. I don't understand why someone would steal Christmas trees. I think she should be punished.


Anonymous said...

People are really starting to get ridiculous, that's all I have to say about it.

Jonathon McDaniel

Justin said...

I think that women should have to pay for all the christmas tree he stole. All I got to say is really?
Why steal from the boy scouts.

Jasmine M. said...

It's just weird that someone would go through the extent to steal Christmas tree. There definitely might be something wrong with this woman's way of thinking. The whole deal with her stealing from boy scouts shouldn't make it any worse, stealing is stealing no matter where from.
She should be fined as a normal person would as though she stole from wal-mart or some other store.
I doubt she'd ever return any monetary value, or the actual trees.
That'd be her admitting what she did was wrong; people don't like admitting that.

Raegan Hasty said...

It is sad that stealing a Christmas tree would even cross someone's mind. The thief has stole Christmas trees from the same place over the past few years, and still her identity hasn't been identified. Once the thief's identity is identified she should face serious consequences.

Alexandra said...

Why would she steal Christmas trees? I mean really this makes no since this girl is crazy. I think she should give the money back to the boy scouts. Cause for one how low could you be to steal form little kids?

Morgan Myers said...

The woman is pretty pathetic to steal Christmas trees from little boys. Why doesn't she just go get one from the woods herself? The article says she keeps going back and getting more, I don't understand why she need so many?!

Gerald P. said...

A woman stealing Christmas trees from the Boy Scouts? What has this world come to now? The woman is crazy. Her punishment should be paying every single penny of the Christmas trees worth back to the Scouts.

Lindsey Ball said...

Honestly, I don't think that the punishment will be major. Yes, it was wrong and definitely immoral, but you never know her circumstance. I'm not trying to defend her or justify her actions, but she could easily have children at home that won't have a Christmas tree, let alone presents under it. I don't think she had malicious intentions. Do be too quick to judge.

Emma Grace said...

WOW! What a cheap way to get a Christmas tree! I think it's quite comical actually! If authorities cared enough about this, then that theif would've been caught already. I highly doubt they would've spent three years on this case! If it can even be considered that!

Jake D. said...

Who would steal a Christmas Tree, its not like they are expensive. She is taking all of the fun out of Christmas, tomorrow morning I am going to wake up and make sure both of our Christmas trees are there. If not I know who took it!

Austin M said...

That women is stupid. Who steals a christmas tree? Especially from boy scouts? She should have to pay back the amount of worth for all the trees she's stolen. I can't believe some of the stupid things people do.

$hyanne said...

I can believe that someone would do this! Some people have no conscious, and obviously she is one of them! She should go to jail just like any other thief would when she gets caught.

Breon $ said...

She just may be the only human in the who would think of stealing a Christmas Tree. She not only stole a Christmas Tree, she stole it from Boy Scouts. She could have at least tried to get something worth it, like a pair of pants or nice socks.

Amanda Chappell said...

Some people never cease to amaze me. Why would anyone in their right mind steal a Christmas tree from a boy scout troop? That's crazy and inconsiderate. Some people can't afford a Christmas tree and I realize that, but she could have at least asked for help, instead of just resorting to stealing. I bet the boy scout troop would have given her a discount or someone would have donated for her to have a tree. Also, she could just go get one for herself from the woods. I can't believe it took that long for her to get caught. I think it is a very low thing to do, but I'm not sure what kind of punishment would be appropriate. Perhaps, she could be fined. Some people never change. Why would she want to return what she had stolen? It's a crazy world that we live in!

Leslie Requena said...

I don't understand why the woman stole the christmas trees. Instead of buying/stealing a live one every year why doesn't she just buy a fake one. She should return the trees however, I don't think that she will.

Kelsey Searcy said...

I think that woman is crazy. She must have something mentally wrong with her because it's pretty sad that she'd steal from boy scouts. I think they should have people secretly waiting each night to watch out to see if she does it again next year.

Caroline Steele said...

I think this is stupid. She should have not stolen all of those christmas trees! She should be put in jail!