Meet the Green Men. These two guys from Vancouver, Canada are fixtures at Vancouver Canucks hockey games. From funny stunts to harassing opposing players, the green guys have picked up a large fan following. Many people check the sports news to see if the latest green guy antics made Sports Center.
Now that we have looked at their web site and seen some of their videos, what do you think of them? Are they truly funny or just annoying? Would you like to see more green men at sporting events you attend?
The Green Men I don't know to much about. I don't really keep myself updated on things like this. So I really can't say to much on them other than they are a cool green color.
Those men are very imaginative. I think that they are funny, but to the guys that they are trying to distract, they can be annoying too. I don't attend many sporting events, but it would be really funny if I could see it in person.
The Green Guys are really funny if you are a Canadian fan! I think it is smart and also funny to get into someone’s head and mess up there game. I would like to go see them one day, cheering for Canada of course!
I don’t really like hockey, but these guys are hilarious! I would actually go to a game if they were going to be the entertainment. I like all the videos on their website, especially the one with the baby posing for some pictures with them. Some people may think they are annoying, but I think they are funny and I would like to see them at the games I go to in the future. [:
I’m really in to hockey at all, but the way the Green Men mock the hockey players make it seem so funny to watch. I like the video when they were in the glass trying to get the hockey player’s attention when it was clearly working because he was distracted. At the same time, if I was a hockey player and had to Green Men mocking me I would get mad to because no one would want to be mocked.
Well, I think there funny. I would denfintely would look them up more. But the hockey player looked very annoyed hahaha.
Ok they green men seem kinda wierd. I did think they were kinda in the video the green men at the playoffs vs the LA kings. But to be honest I don't what the heck they are doing.
I honestly don’t care for them. I've never heard of or seen them until today. I don’t care if see them or not anymore.
I think that the green men are funny when you first see them. I aslo think that if people keep seeing them they will eventually get tired of looking at them. After you keep seeing them they will get annoying.
I have never seen or heard of the green men until today, but they are very interesting to watch on T.V. while watching the hockey games. I think that the green mean are very funny. Yes, I would like to see more green men at different sport events.
The green men are very strange. But they aren’t afraid to be themselves. I think they’re funny, but at the same time there rude.
Well, I think the “Green Men” are pretty funny, I think if I saw them, I would definitely be laughing. Yeah I think more green men should attend sporting events.
Keith Bryant: The “Green Men” are a fabulous way of entertaining a crowd. The methodology is great because at the same time they are tormenting the other teams. If fact they are embarrassing them, many members get very upset, therefore sending them into a terrible game.
I think that they are funny. I think they are pretty cool too. I would probly laugh if I saw them in public.
I think the Green Men are hilarious. They aren't afraid to just do whatever comes to their minds, and whatever comes to their minds are very humorous. I think that our school could use our own Green Men, I think it'd be very interesting.
I think the Green Men are not very funny . I think that they don't have anything else to do with their time. They don't keep my attention.
The Green Men are very weird. I really don't think are funny. I don't think will be looking/watching them up after today.
I think the "The Green Men" funny. Ive never heard of them before until now. I think its funny what they do but I can see how players would get tired of them. Yes, I think it would be fun to watch them at other sporting events.
I've never heard of The Green Men. They have a cool green color. Thye are oretty funny. That's all I have to say. I am not really a Hockey fan.
Cody Barlow
At first I thought they were kinda boring but you know, I love them for their color because limegreen is my absolute favorite. If I just like randomly saw them out of nowhere I'd laugh and almost pee myself probably.
These Green Men are crazy. I thought they were very entertaining in some way but mostly anoying. I hope they just stay up their so I don't have to wory about them interupting NFL games.
i thought they were cool.They annoy the players through the game.Sounds like something I would do.
What else is to say about The Green Men other than they are very hilarious! If I ever saw these guys at a hockey event, I would definitely laugh. I just hope that they don't get too out of hand with their jokes! Because it would suck if there were no more Green Men at Vancouver hockey games.
The Green Men are funny and not funny. They can be funny at sometimes. Then they cant be funny at other times.
My opinion of the Green Men is that they are boring to watch on a video. They would probably be funny in real life. If I saw them at an Admirals game I would probably laugh a little but if I was the one they were bugging I would be annoyed.
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