Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa begins the day after Christmas. Kwanzaa is a celebration of family, community, and culture that lasts until Jan 1.

The celebration looks at seven principles that one person terms: "the best of African thought and practice in constant exchange with the world. "

Take a few moments and peruse the link to the official website of Kwanzaa. There are many things that you can learn about this celebration.

Your assignment is learn at least three facts about Kwanzaa. List these in your post. Put some effort into this!

One of my goals as a teacher is to help you learn more about the world around you. Take the opportunity presented to you in this blog!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Music (Redone)

It seems that holiday music is everywhere these days. You hear it on the radio, in the malls, on television and yes, even in my classroom! One local radio station (2WD) is playing nothing but holiday music.

Maybe you have a favorite artist of group that makes holiday music. Some artist like Mannheim Steamroller and Trans-Siberian Orchestra produce mainly holiday music. Other artists (probably including your favorite) have done a holiday song or two. Look at the videos. Did you enjoy them? What is your favorite holiday music? Do you think it is over done or not done enough.

Who or what is your favorite Christmas/holiday artist or group? Do you have a favorite song? Let us know what it is! My favorite group is Trans-Siberian Orchestra and my all-time favorite song is "Step Into Christmas" by Elton John.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Hanukkah

Tonight at sunset, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins. Many people mistakenly refer to it as the "Jewish Christmas." Is that accurate? Probably not.

So, how much do you know about Hanukkah? This website is packed full of information about the holiday. Is it really like Christmas, or something completely different? Do you know people who celebrate Hanukkah? Is it like the Adam Sandler "Hanukkah Song?' with eight nights of presents? Or is it something more?
Here is your assignment. Research this holiday and learn at least two interesting facts about it! Tell us about them in your reply. Let's see two facts should mean two paragraphs. But, I will go a little easy today. Give us at least five sentences! Nothing less! And remember to proofread!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Symbols of the Holidays

You see them everywhere. Christmas Trees, Santas, Menorahs, candles, wreaths and lights. Yes, they are the symbols of the Holiday season. But, how much do you really know about them? Where have all the symbols come from and what kind of history do they have?
Here is your assignment: Pick a symbol of the upcoming holiday season and find out about (research) it. Then tell us about the history, origin or other interesting information about your chosen symbol in your posting!
This should be at least 5 sentences long and be proofread. Have fun and I hope you learn something new! Here is some music to enjoy while you work!

Friday, December 4, 2009

A Charlie Brown Christmas

It originally aired in 1965 and has been on TV every year since then. I remember watching the first year and have seen it most every year since then. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" was the first animated Christmas special to air on prime time television. This is definitely the most popular Peanuts holiday special.

What is it about this show that makes it so popular? Why do people watch it again and again? What do you like about it? In your post tell us why you like (or don't) like it. What is your favorite scene. My favorite is when all the characters are dancing on stage.

Here is a video that will provide some inspiration! Enjoy! Remember to proofread.
My understanding is that this special airs tomorrow night (Tuesday) on channel 13.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snow Miser

One of the best things about the holidays is sometimes trying something new. I have never seen the television special "The Year Without a Santa Claus." Several students have asked me to blog on the song Snow Miser from that show. Okay, I finally watched it on video. Yes, it was funny and yes it was entertaining. Would I watch it again? Maybe so, maybe not!
Here is the video!
In your response tell us if you have watched this holiday special. Also, what you think of the video and finally will you be doing something different this holiday season?
Thanks to Rocky for the idea!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MOO Power (Redone)

They are everywhere. You see them on billboards, at the mall, in other shopping areas, at Tides baseball games and in commercials on television. They even have their own college football game! That's right, I am talking about those wild and crazy Chick-fil-A cows. Thinking about it, the person who created that advertising idea was very clever.
Do you like to eat at Chick-fil-A? Why or why not? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Do you like the ads, or have they gotten boring and old?
Check out their website! The history and policies of Chick-fil-A are interesting to read. Let me know what you think! Oh, yes include one neat Chick-fil-A fact in your post. Proofread!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Originally airing in 1973, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving has entertained many of us numerous times over the years. Next to "A Charlie Brown Christmas" this may be the the most popular of all the Charlie Brown holiday series specials. How many times have you seen it? I can probably state that I have only missed seeing it a handful of years.

What is it about this special that makes it so popular? Why do people watch it again and again? What do you like about it? In your post tell us why you like (or don't like) it. Is there one particular scene that you like? My favorite is Charlie, Linus and Snoopy in the kitchen fixing up the Feast!

Here is a video that should give you some inspiration as you write! Proofread!

By the way, I understand that it will air on Channel 13 at 8pm on Thanksgiving night!

Dr. Seuss

There is probably no more well known or loved author than Dr. Seuss. We have read his books many times over and watched the TV show "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" too many times to recall. Have you seen it this holiday season? I watched it the other night and it was as funny as ever. But who is/was Dr. Seuss? Did he do anything special (besides writing great children's stories?)

Your assignment for today is a bit different than most blogs. I want you to write a two paragraph biography of Dr. Seuss! Use your research skills to find out about him and then tell us about him.

Please note that you will need to proofread. You might consider writing it in word first, then pasting it to your blog post. Remember it is two paragraphs. Oh and by the way, make sure that it is your own work!

Here is a video to get you ready to find out more about Dr. Seuss!

Extra credit to the first person who can tell me who sang the song "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch."!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Everybody loves to travel and visit new places. Don't you? Over the next several days, we will hear a lot of news about travel during the holidays and how busy it is. Normally, the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel of the year with over 33,000,000 people traveling!
Where have you been and where would you like to go? Will you be traveling during the Thanksgiving or Christmas break? Tell us about these in your posting. Proofread!!!

Here is a video to inspire you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

McDonald's Rap

For the last couple of weeks several students have asked me to include the McDonald's rap in my blog. I finally watched it the other day and can say that it is interesting. As I have watched it numerous times, I wonder how much practice went into placing the order, or did they put it together on the spot? What do you think?
Let's watch the video. What do you think of it? Could you do something like it, or would you be too nervous? Remember to proofread!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

50 Jobs in 50 States in 50 Weeks? Think He Can Do It?

Meet Daniel Seddiqui. Daniel's  goal was to work 50 jobs in 50 states in the course of a year. Why? The biggest reason seems to be to get out of his comfort zone and to expand his knowledge of other cultures in the Untied States. Take a look at a television interview and also this interview.

Many of his jobs seem to be interesting and several of them might be of interest to you. I also note that his jobs lasted a week, which may not be very long to decide if you like the job or not!

The good news is that in late September, he completed the quest. Were you concerned that he might not? What do you think was the most rewarding part of the journey? Were there negatives to his journey, and maybe most importantly, would you want to try it? Tell us what you think of this job journey and remember to proofread!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteran's Day

Was there a doubt in your mind about today's topic? Today is Veteran's Day. What do you know about the history of this holiday? Here is a link that can help you. Who is a veteran? Why is it important to remember them on this day? Maybe this video will help!

Your assignment: Please tell me in a paragraph of at least five good sentences the history of Veteran's day and why it is important to remember it!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A New Twist on an Old Classic

One of the most popular short stories (actually a novella) of all time " A Christmas Carol" was written in 1843 by Charles Dickens. Amazingly enough this book has never been out of print. Over the years there have been numerous movies, musicals and plays made about it.

The latest version of "A Christmas Carol" starring Jim Carrey opened last Friday. From Walt Disney Studios this movie has had enormous publicity and is expected to do quite well at the box office. Did I mention that it is in 3D and also will be playing at IMAX theaters? Let's watch the theatrical trailer. What do you think?

Have you read the book? If you have not, you should. It is one of the classics and well worth the read. Have you seen the movie? If not, will you see the movie? What do you think of all the hype? Or is it just a waste of time?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey, Where Did The Sun Go?

Let's see, is it spring ahead, fall back or is it fall ahead, spring back? Okay, it is spring ahead and fall back. Therefore, you should have gotten an extra hour to sleep or do something else this past Saturday. It was much lighter when you came to school today, but it got dark much earlier last night. And maybe you are a little extra tired today. Why is that?

Daylight Saving Time has been around for a long time. Check out the link. Name one state that does not observe Daylight Saving Time. Find out some other facts on daylight saving time. In your post, list a state that does not observe Daylight Saving Time, one other fact and how you feel about changing the clocks twice a year.

Proofread, no spelling errors allowed!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Do You Have The Blues

The other day we looked at the Voca People. Admit it, you either loved or loathed them. So how about another group that paints their faces. That's right, the Blue Man Group! From their website: "Their theaterical shows and concerts combine music, comedy and multimedia to produce a totally unique form of entertainment."

Here are a couple of clips of them from YouTube!

What do you think? Would you pay money to see them? If not, why not? Proofread your work!

Thanks to Robbie S. for today's idea!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Balloon Boy

Certainly you were watching the news Thursday October 15 and hoping that Falcon Henne was safe on that balloon flying through the Colorado sky. Were you scared for Falcon when the balloon came crashing down and he was not there? Were you relieved  later when he was found safe and "hiding" in the attic? Maybe you were not even aware of it, although that would have been hard to do! After all he was on all the major news stories and networks that evening.
Of course it was not long until doubts started! This CNN video from that evening seems to indicate that it might have been a stunt! Was it a "stunt" conceived by the family who have been on at least one television reality show, and it is rumored had aspirations to get on another? This news article seems to indicate such. What is even more frightening is that police, National Guard and NORAD spent time tyring to "rescue" the child. The airport in Denver was also closed. Some people estimate that the bill for this may exceed $1 million!

Now it seems that Falcon's mom has admitted that it was all a hoax!
What really happened? Was it a publicity stunt? Or just some unusual plan, gone terribly awry? Of course, many questions remain to be answered. Will police charges be filed against the family. Who will pay the bill?
In your response tell me what you think of all this. Is the news media too interested in sensationalising stories that they are not always unbiased in their reporting? Are they also to blame in the hype this story created, and could have they missed even more important news? Did it cause a drain of resources from the police, National Guard and NORAD that might have been better used elsewhere? If it was a hoax, why haven't the parents bucked up and told the truth? Lots to think about and discuss! Who do get your news from and why?
Please proofread your response and it needs to be at least five sentences long.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Who Are These People?

Have you heard the Voca People? Check out their web site. No instruments, no background tracks, but interesting singing! Pure human vocals as this you tube describes them! Frankly, I think this is amazing!

Watch the video and tell us what you think. Would you pay money to see them? If you would not pay to see them, tell me why! Proofread!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Miracle Baby (or Baby vs Train)

All I can say is oh my gosh! Watch this video! Is this baby lucky or are we watching a true miracle? Was the mother negligent in not paying enough attention to her child and losing control of the stroller? She might say that she only took a second off, but it might have been enough time for a disaster to strike. What do you think of this? Remember to proofread!

I think it is a miracle!

From 6-0 to 0-6!

Wow. Just a few days ago Ocean Lakes High School in Virginia Beach has a football record of 6 wins and no loses! Until Wednesday of last week that is. Based on using an "ineligible player" the Dolphins were ordered to forfeit all those victories. Ouch! This will probably keep them from the playoffs.
Have you read the news article! If you have not, then read it again. IF you have read it before, you might want to review it another time. It seems that another high school pointed out the possible violation and a committee decided for the forfeits. Ocean Lakes plans to appeal.
What do you think of the situation? Is this an attempt to cheat the system or an honest mistake? Is it fair to all the other players on the team? Do High Schools try to "beat the system" when it comes to sports? The news story from Channel 3 might shed some more light on these issues. Tell us your opinion. Proofread! As a group you did much better on Friday than previous postings! Keep it up!
As a follow up, did you know that Ocean Lakes won their game last Friday?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Music in some form has been around since the beginning of time. Everyone has a favorite type of music, be it country, rock, classical, hip hop or jazz. Can you think of other types of music? What is your favorite? Why is it that?
It seems that every generation has a favorite of music that may not be as popular with the older generations. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Do you sometimes hear older people (older than you) say that they don't understand your music? I heard the same thing about rock music in the 1970s. It seems that it is still around. To me, the test of music is this: Will future generations listen to it and purchase it?
Tell me what you think! Proofread, proofread... and proofread some more!
Finally, we will play some music. Let me know if you have requests. Make sure that your requests are appropriate. Sit back and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shift Happens

The videos you are about to watch are at the very least eye-opening and hopefully thought provoking. Do you believe the statistics you have just seen? Is the United States at a disadvantage, education wise? Does this make you want to work harder in school?

Does size really matter, and what does this imply for the future? Think it over and reply. Really think it over! I am looking for at least five sentences in your response! And as always, remember to proofread it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

They Can't do That to Us!

By now, you have probably heard the news that MacArthur Mall (Center) has a new policy in place that as of October 19, people under 18 will not be allowed in the mall past 5 pm unless they are accompanied by someone over 21. Read the press release. What do you think of this? Is it unfair or just an attempt to help merchants of the mall?

This video from a local television network seems to sum up at least the mall's side of the argument. Let's watch it. Here is another video. What do you think of the policy? Do you go to that mall, or to another one? Maybe you don't go to a mall at all. Please tell us what you think of the policy and how you will react to it.

The way I see it is that the mall is an "upscale" facility that want to attract customers with money to spend. They seem to think that unsupervised individuals under 18 might scare off customers. On the other hand, teens in this nation spend between $85 and $170 billion per year! That means that they are an important part of the national economy. Is it correct to potentially exclude them?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't Mess With This Kid!

All I can say is wow! This first grader certainly should have some interesting tales at school these days. It seems that he shot a 12 foot long alligator recently. Read the news article! Then we will watch the news video. I wonder how many shots he fired?

I am sure the hunters among you will appreciate this story. What amazes me is that the five year old seems so calm. I would have been so excited that I would be hard pressed to remain quiet about it! The biggest alligator I have seen was on a golf course in SC about 20 years ago. He was probably about 6 feet long, but still frightening to look at! Have you ever seen an alligator?

Now, tell us what you think!

Dancing with the Hard Hats

This one you have to see to believe. In Great Britain construction workers building a ballet center decided to see for themselves what ballet dancing was all about. Their experiences were both funny and interesting. Funny because most people don't assume that ballet and construction are a good mix. Interesting because these construction workers wanted to find out about what they were building. Think they might go on tour? Wonder what their significant others think? Me, I was laughing all over seeing this on the news the other night!

Watch the news broadcast.

What do you think of this? Tell us in a paragraph.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Mom Song

Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? It seems to have become a YouTube and Television sensation. Here is the premise. In just under three minutes, she sings all the things that a typical mom might say in a single day. Very funny and entertaining.
Of course, as with many discussions between parents and children there is probably going to be a comment from both teenagers and younger children. Thus two videos; one from a teen's perspective and another from a younger child. Was that a natural thing to follow The Mom Song?
Watch the videos and tell the class what you think. Remember the rules from my earlier blog! Be creative and enjoy!

Welcome Back

Welcome back to school and thanks for checking out this blog. I intend to use this as a teaching tool during keyboarding and CIS classes.
Just a few quick rules: First off, be respectful, tolerant and positive in your comments. Anything else will not be posted. Second: You must post to my blog to earn your class participation grade for that day. We will blog on many days, but not all days. Thirdly, I will read your comments. They must be grammatically correct and proofread. We will talk about this before you leave your first comment. Fourth: Have fun!
Tell the class what you think of this. For this and all comments, remember to respond using a full paragraph (3-5 sentences).

Friday, June 5, 2009

National Doughnut Day!!!!!!

Today is National Donut Day!!!!!! WHOOO!!!!! Everyone likes a good donut. There are over 200 kinds of donuts out there. What’s your favorite kind of donut? Why? What’s your favorite donut store? Krispy Kreme or Dunkin’ Donuts? Let us know.

Monday, June 1, 2009

MTV Movie Awards

Did you watch the MTV Movie Awards last night?

In case you didn’t see it, Twilight stormed the scene, winning five trophies! Do you think that this movie deserved it? Why or why not?

Also, there was a pretty hilarious prank by Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat), and Eminem was the victim. Check out the link about it at this site: Do you think Eminem over-reacted?

Give us any other comments you might have about the Awards.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Look Alikes

They say that every person has a "twin" somewhere in the world. What I think they mean is someone who looks like you! Check out this web site! This is truly funny. This site has many look alikes. It is not limited to people either. They have pictures compared to objects that look like other people or things. Write about how accurate the look alike seems to you. Do you like the site? Will you return to the site in your free time? If you have a favorite look alike, mention that too. I hope you enjoy the site!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wipeout is Back!

The television series "Wipeout" returns to ABC tonight! Wipeout is a reality/game show using a water/mud obstacle course where most contestants get "wiped out." Oh, did I mention that contestants compete for a cash prize? Last season it was $50,000. So obviously the contestants are motivated!

Granted, this show appeals to the male viewer. However, I know plenty of ladies who watched it fervently last summer. Are you traveling this summer? A version of this show is also broadcast in Japan, Australia and England. Watch the video. What do you think? Will you be watching tonight? Tell us what you think!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Adam vs Kris

Did you watch American Idol last night? Who will win, Kris or Adam?
My opinion is that Adam should win it all. But I have been wrong a couple of times this year. Watch the videos. Then let's vote. The answer will be revealed tonight!

Monday, May 18, 2009


They are coming and you can not avoid them. It is hard to imagine anything more stressful than these. That is right, I am talking about SOL tests. Doesn't it seem that everyone is talking about SOLs?

WHS SOLs start two weeks from today. Are you ready?

Teachers stress over them. Parents stress over them. Students definitely stress over them. Do they cause you a lot of stress? What do you think of them? If you could, would you change them and how? Please tell us what you think of them and if you would make any changes to the format.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Norfolk's Greek Festival began yesterday. Will you attend? This is probably the largest, best attended and oldest ethnic festival in southeast Virginia. I go every year and it seems to get better each year! Maybe it is because I am a customer of one of the sponsor's.
It was not that long ago that the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Mama Mia" were major hits. Did you see them? Watch the short video with me.
Tell us what you think. Do you like Greek food, dancing and the customs? Think you might attend?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How High Will it Go?

Gas prices are rising. You have probably noticed it at the pump in the last week. Do you remember last summer when gas prices were rapidly climbing and approaching $4.00 per gallon? Actually, in some parts of the country the price went way over $4.00. Will they do that again?
But , then it seemed that gas prices fell very quickly last fall and winter. Now, as prices rise, does it make you angry or frustrated when you purchase gasoline?
For those of you who are driving, will rising gasoline prices affect your driving this summer? If you are not driving, would they affect your driving? Or, does it make a difference? As for me, yes, rising gas prices are a pain, but I still need to get to work.
Here is a thought: Carpooling helps out tremendously with gas costs.
Tell us what you think!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Once confined to late night television and cable, Sonic drive-in commercials have gone mainstream. That means there is a very good chance that you may be seeing one on your television this week.
Sonic commercials are noted for their humor, which some people might view as corny or not so funny.
Personally, I find them very funny. Even the corniest ones. More than likely, all of you have seen one of them. Do you have a favorite? Or, do you want to run screaming out of the room when they come on? Let's watch a few of them! Tell us what you think about Sonic commercials.
Oh, have you heard the rumor about Sonic commercials? The couple in the commercial are actually married to each other! The two buddies are best friends and the mom and son in several commercials are actually mother and son!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cute Babies, etc Laughing

One of the hottest Internet crazes is "Cute Things Laughing"

In this video you can watch babies, and yes, even pets laughing. But maybe the best part is that you get to rate the video on a scale of 1-5. This included both merriment and cuteness. The site's founder, Nick Malis has stated there have been no 5s awarded to a video. I wonder why?

Watch the videos shown. Do you see any 5s? Have you been to this site? Will you be checking it out later today? Or is it a major waste of time? Personally, I have seen a couple of videos, but that is about it for me. Do you know of any similar sites?

Post your thoughts for all of us to read.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Phone Mania

It seems that everyone either has or wants the iPhone. According to a recent news article.

The billionth (that is right, billion with a B) was downloaded from Apple 's App Store last Thursday (April 23). All of these downloads have taken place in the last nine months. That averages out to about 5.5 million app downloads per day.
Watch the video. These iPhone ads are very catchy. Do you want to try one? I recently borrowed a friend's iPhone and spent about 15 minutes working with it. Never once during that time did I try to use it as a telephone.
Do you want one? Do you own one? What are your thoughts on the iPhone? Please share them with us.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Tomorrow is prom. Hope you are ready! If you are attending the prom, I hope you have a GREAT time, but above all, I hope you are safe and create some great memories. Prom (short for promenade) has a long history in U.S. high schools. Check out the wikipedia article about proms for a brief history. Is prom a big part of your educational experience or more a requirement that must be done?

Please tell us what your prom plans are. If you are not going, do you have plans for this weekend, and if so do you want to share them?

Hope you have fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. Since the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 many people have taken time out to consider how their actions impact the planet on which we live. You may have noticed that Earth Day has been in the news quite a bit this week.
So, how do you "celebrate" Earth Day? Do you try to take care of the earth every day of the year, or only on this day or not at all?
Here is a thought. We can all make a positive impact on the environment if we do just one simple thing. For example, turn off the lights when you are not in the room. Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth and turn it on when you rinse the toothbrush. Or, recycle your papers. Too often, I notice students throwing papers in the trash instead of using the recycle bags in the classroom.
Please tell the group that one thing you do to help the environment. If we all try to do just one thing it will make a big difference. My thing is to recycle paper! What is yours?

Friday, April 10, 2009

It is Over or Welcome Back

Welcome back! I hope your Spring Break was safe, fun and exciting; or at least as relaxing as you wanted it to be. Did you create some memories?

It was great seeing my children, their spouses and the grandchildren. Baby Gavin is a cute kid and so good natured! I also got a chance to visit with my parents. It was an enjoyable, but busy time.

Please share with our group what you did over Spring Break! Remember to proofread your work. Maybe you will want to write your comments in Word, then paste to the blog site.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break

YEA!!! It is almost here. The long awaited spring break! How will you spend your break? Are you excited like me?
I will be going to South Carolina to see my grandchildren! And truth be known, I can not wait. Since my youngest grandchild is barely a month old, I am certainly excited to see and meet him.

How about you? What are your plans for spring break? Please take a few moments to respond to my post. Let us know what you plan to do. Or, would you rather be in school next week?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Have You Seen Saturn


Earlier this week, the planet Saturn was very visible near the moon in the night sky. From the news article, it was most visible on Monday night, but should be visible for the next several nights. Have you checked it out? I must confess: I really enjoy astronomy and enjoy looking at the moon, stars and planets at night. Do you like to view objects in the night sky?

Please check out the web site and then post your comments. Will you try to check out the sky tonight? Are you as curious to see this as I am?