Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Break

YEA!!! It is almost here. The long awaited spring break! How will you spend your break? Are you excited like me?
I will be going to South Carolina to see my grandchildren! And truth be known, I can not wait. Since my youngest grandchild is barely a month old, I am certainly excited to see and meet him.

How about you? What are your plans for spring break? Please take a few moments to respond to my post. Let us know what you plan to do. Or, would you rather be in school next week?


KCC band manager said...

I will be spending most of my time in Chesapeake with some old friends. Hopefully i will be getting a job next week. I hope you have a great spring break with your grand kids Mr. Downing.

Chiquita said...

My plans for spring break is to just rest and get some time to chill, Most likely I will probably work and have some fun with my friends, Saturday night were giving my grandmother and my aunt an surprise b-day party, so I’m really excited about that. And who knows maybe me and my friends will go bowling or something, anyway I hope u have a good time with your grandchildren.

Unknown said...

I currently have no plans for spring break. I most likely will end up visiting some colleges that I am interested in over break. I would much rather be on break than in school.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Spring Break, my dad is coming home that week. The best part is I get to go on Tiger Cruise with him on his way to the Naval base. So if we did have school next week, I would be skipping and everyone would just have to get over it. Its cool that you get to see your grandson, my neighbors grandkids live in Germany so they can't see them next week.

Unknown said...

Im am so excited our spring break is here!!! I am spending most of my spring break in Nags Head on chilling on the beach. It's gonna be loads of fun. Can't wait :)

Unknown said...

Aw, I hope you have fun down there and I hope you will be thrilled to meet your grandchildren. I don't really have much planeed for my sprong break, mostly because my parents have to work. Maybe one of my friends will take me somewhere though who knows? Anyways have a good spring break Mr. Downing.

Kaseyyy Leighhh :):) said...

I am excited for spring break!!! I want to get out of this school and just relax!!! I have to work all week but it's ok because I am making money so i can spend it!! And i'm also excited because that means only two weeks until prom!!!! YAY!!! I'm super siked!!!

KCC band manager said...

I will be spending most of my time in Chesapeake. Hopefully I will be getting a job. I hope you have a great spring break with your grand kids Mr. Downing

Unknown said...

I am excited, spring break is finally here. But sadly I have nothing to do I would work at the farm than nothing at all. If I actually had a choice I would probably chose to go to school. I cant stand being away from my friends. =]

Unknown said...

I don’t know that I have any big plans for spring break. I will probably have to go to baseball practice every day. WOOOHOOO!! (Sarcasm) I will probably just chill at the house or someone else’s house. More than likely, I’ll spend a lot of time playing my guitar or going outside. No matter what, though, it will be fun!

Unknown said...

I'm going to have a busy spring break. I'll be visiting my brother at UVA and going to class with him for a day. I'm going to stay with my sister for a while in her apartment at Tech, too, probably. Also, I'll be going to my Dad's office for a day and me and another guy will be shadowing him. That's all I have planned for sure. Other than that, I'll be hanging out with friends, going shopping, and havin' a blast.

Unknown said...

I really dont have any big plans for the break. I will most likly just hang out with my family and friends for most of the break. I just look forward to the no school part of the break.

Unknown said...

My spring break will be fun, I will be going to a lot of places. I will be going fishing with my family,then maybe spend the night at my friends house also I could even go to the movies a couple of times. I hope you enjoy your spring break because i know i will enjoy mine!!!!!!!!

Caleb said...

Congratulations, Mr. Downing! You must be really excited to see your new grandson! For my spring break I will most likely just hang around with my friends. This afternoon, Tee, Ishmael and I are all going out to play laser tag! That will definitely start out the spring break well.

Unknown said...

YES!! I'm so excited for Spring break :) I'm spending Easter with the family this weekend. Then on Monday my parents, boyfriend, a couple of my friends, and I are going gown to Nags Head for the week and just relax for once, and go fishing with my new pink fishing pole. I'm sure it will be too cold to go into the water or get a tan. But, we like driving on the beach and pulling out people. I can't wait, I've been looking forward to this week for awhile now. I bet you’re excited to see the baby, I would be too. I hope you have fun and be safe.

Unknown said...

On my spring break I plan to take it easy just like the song from the Eagles. I do have a few tennis lessons spread out next week. However for the most part I plan to play some video games and possibly go to a friend’s house. I have not had a lot of free time to myself so I hope to change that next week. I am very excited for spring break and will do my best to enjoy every minute of it. I hope your trip goes well in South Carolina. Have a good spring break everyone.

Georgie said...

Im not that excited about spring break. To tell you the the truth, Mr. D, I love school. Its a place of learning. I don' have any troubles at home or anything, but to me its great to try to learn something new every day. I'm probably saying this mostly because of two things: I enjoy school, and that I dont have a one-month-old grandson to visit in North Carolona. Bring some pictures of him back if you can.

Unknown said...

Im am so excited spring break is here!!! i can what to get out the school. On my spring break iam go to Maine its going to be fun.

Roland Downing said...

To all of you, thanks for your hard work this semester! I am proud of your efforts in this class. Many of you sound like you will be really busy, and that is a good thing. But sometimes it is important to just relax and recharge for the end of school year rush. I hope each and every one of you is safe and returns on April 20 ready to go! See you then!