Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Vet Makeover

Meet Jim Wolf.  Mr. Wolf is a former homeless army veteran.  As you can see from the video and read he recently got a total appearance makeover.  What do you think of this makeover?  Do you think he looks better or worse after his makeover?

Veterans' Day was two days ago. While we had our assembly on Friday to honor veterans, there are some scary statistics concerning veterans. More than 1 in 7 homeless people are veterans who served their country honorably.  Mr. Wolf is just one of many homeless veterans.  Should our nation be doing more for veterans?

Consider that many of your class mates are children of veterans.  Their parents can tell you that serving your nation is a great  and honorable calling.  Do you think that there is an easy answer to the problem of homelessness?  Share with us how you would fight to end homelessness in our nation.


Anonymous said...

I think that Jim looks much better after his transformation than before. He looks much more professional and presentable. I wish Jim luck in AA and hope that he gets the house. I must also thank Mr. Jim Wolf for his service to our country.

Justin Hampton

Anonymous said...

I believe that they managed to make him look amazing after what he has been through. I don’t know if there is an answer to homeless, it all depends really. I am very impressed with how they worked and how he felt, it probobly was very emotional for him to be like that. I am just happy that he now has control over his life and is doing well.

Becca said...

I think that after his makeover, Jim Wolf, saw the man he used to be and remembered the brave soldier he once was. This is a very inspiring story and I hope other homeless veterans somehow see this video and learn from it. It is very sad that there are a lot of homeless veterans, they should be some of the richest people alive but they aren’t. When you see war and death like they do it is hard to deal with so most drink or do other harmful things and they are no longer the strong soldier, they become a completely different person and they forget about the good things. I believe we need to remind them of who they were and what great things they did for this country, that way they never forget.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks much better after his makeover. This is very beautiful and inspiring. I pray that he’ll be prosperous in life and that people will donate to this charity. My grandfather was a veteran and I support this a lot.

~Mataabea Lawrence

Anonymous said...

Jim Wolf looks a whole lot better with his new makeover. It’s a shame that a former army veteran was homeless. Our nation’s number 1 “priority” is to send help and food to other countries in less than two days, but our nation can’t help our own homeless people? If you ask me I’d say that’s ridiculous! I believe there is a way to end homelessness. If our government would realize that our people should come first before another country then I believe homelessness would come to an end.
-Brittany Wade

Anonymous said...

I honestly was amazed by Jim Wolf’s transformation in this video. Seeing his reaction was amazing because I believe he saw himself once again as the man he recognized, and had wanted back. His reaction was amazing and if I am going to be honest, it was very touching, inspiring, and it brought tears to my eyes. I think that our nation could be doing a lot more to help our veterans, so that they don’t reach the point that Wolf had reached. As much as I would like to say that there is an easy answer to ending homelessness, although, I know that is not the truth. However, I do believe there is more people can do to help the homeless like; coat drives, food drives and so on. This may not be the answer to end homelessness, but every little bit helps.

Madison Atkinson

Anonymous said...

We should be doing a lot more for our homeless veterans. Because they do so much for us overseas. He looks a whole lot better than he did before he went into the transformation.
christopher white

Kaylan said...

I think the makeover was great, he looks a lot better than before. They really did a good job with his makeover, he looks very professional. Jim now can have a great life and recover from his addiction and become something in life.

Unknown said...

I think he looked great after the makeup. At first he looked dirty and like a homeless man. Now he looks like a new man. I did not know that man was homeless at first, much less a veteran. That man shouldn’t be homeless; he fought for his country honorably and should have a house and money. Why should we go and risk our lives for people who are just going to throw us out on the street? I don’t understand America but one day when they’re on the street with nothing I guess only then will they understand. Our country should be doing more for the homeless people, no one should be homeless. Even if they are bad people, everyone deserves a chance. Especially the veterans who go out and risk their live for our own benefit. One day America will learn, the easy way or the hard way.

Anonymous said...

Jim looks good since being homeless. The people that took the time to give Jim his makeover really did their thing, I really wish Jim the best of luck in the programs he’s attending good luck Jim.

Cory Childress said...

Our country's veterans should be treated better because without their service we wouldn't have freedom. It is very sad that 1 out of 7 homeless people are veterans who served America honorably. The government should raise money to overcome this issue.

Tykera Holloman said...

I think Mr. Wolf looks better with his makeover. I also think he is happier and feels better about his self now that he looks clean. It is a good thing for him because now he looks like he can run a business and make something good out of his self and be successful.

Ashley Whitley said...

I think we should be doing the most we can to support our veterans for all they've done. The opportunity they gave Mr. Wolf was amazing and he deserved it. If he becomes a better person he can be successful in the future. And all that he's been through, they made him look amazing. More things should be done for veterans.

Anonymous said...

Shaquadia Brown
Jim really needed that makeover. He looks like he's very professional and can get a good job. I think he is now going to have a great life. This was very inspiring to me because I think it tells you that you can do anything in life.

Anonymous said...

Holly Cook
This was amazing. I loved the change that he went under. He looked very porfessonal afterwards. To think that there are many veterians out there who are homeless and struggle with different drug abuse and drinking problems is hard to believe. When I think veterian I think a older guy siting at home happily married and working. I don’t really think of any of them being homless and such. I think it’s wanderful he got a change of looka nd heart. That he is attending a class to get help, and that he is getting a home. When he looked in the mirror I felt as if he had a flash back of whom he was some time ago. He then wanted to restore that. It was inspiring, truly inspiring. Hopefully other veterians will watch this who struggle in some way. Even those who don’t can be warmed and touched by this. It makes me want to go back and look up more of this inpiring story to find out how he is coming aloong.

James Lawrence said...

I think this program is very helpful in remodeling and in helping veterans get their life back together. What they did for this man is nice because he was a veteran and he deserves better than what he had before this program. I think any veteran or active duty military personnel should look into this program if he/she is struggling with finding employment or a place to live.

Griffin said...

Mr. Wolf looks very professional after the makeover. Our countries veterans should be treated like heroes, so it's sad to hear that 1 out of 7 homeless people are veterans. Without people like Mr. Wolf, our country wouldn’t be free.

Anonymous said...

Cassie Hedgepeth
One solution that homelessness could be solved is by opening up more local homeless shelters. Another way is by giving someone a chance of hope, help them redirect themselves and get a new start in life. If I could change anything I would allow people to have cheaper society housing by bringing down taxes and allowing people one chance to show me that they can change their lives and make a better living than they used to have.

Demarcus Porter said...

I think Mr.Wolf look better with his makeover. He his joyful and happy about his makeover.I just want to say keep up the good work and happy veterans day.

Rayquan Parker said...

Jim looks great ,he looks like a brand new man. My only problem is why in the world would you let someone who risk their to fight and give our country freedom go homeless. That’s a shame to know that the United States of America doesn’t seem to care about our servers of the country. The government needs to do something to fix and solve this issue.

Anonymous said...

Emily Edwards
This vet makeover is a great video to show how you can help homeless veterans. This veteran needed help and he got it. He used to have a hard time in his life because he struggled with poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism. He was trying to fix the obstacles in his life, so he got a veteran make-over. Now he looks a lot better than he used to look. He is now going to a program for getting rid of alcohol problems. Vet makeover is a great organization to help veterans.

Anonymous said...

Zayne Bankson
It was really good that they gave him a make over. Now he looks like he was never homeless. Our nation loves to help people like this.

Tabatha Davis said...

I think that he looked better after the makeover.Not only does it help him look better but it seems to make him feel happier and he looks a little more hopeful. That little bit of hope can help them try and get back on their feet again. one way I would try to help homeless veterans is by opening housing complexes. Not housing like a shelter but housing that is inexpensive and that would do until they get back on their feet.

Anonymous said...

Taijii Skeeter

It was very inspirational. Its amazing how they gave him a whole look. It doesn't even look like her was a homeless person. He had struggled through his life with homeless and alcoholism. He was trying to stop all of it and start all over again. That is very good because you don't see many people doing that much to change. Vet makeover is and excellent thing to do to help out the veterans.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks 100% better after his makeover. You can tell that he really appreciated what that organization had done. I think it is wrong for our veterans to have to live in poverty and be homeless after they risk their lives for us. An to just think there's others like him.
Imani Horsley

Anonymous said...

Zach Reese,
Wow. I wish more vets get what they deserve like this man. They have fought long and hard for America and almost none of them get treated fairly. When they come home they don’t have no jobs and some are injured and the government does nothing to help them.

Anonymous said...

After that transformation he looks a lot better. He looks like a business man now and should have some luck with finding a job. I thank him for his military work and hope he stays on the right track.

Trey King

Anonymous said...

To me Jim looks so much better than befor. It's nice to know that there are still people out there who care about the homeless. I wish Jim the best of luck and hope his is succesful in AA.

Jesse Holloway

Albert Rawles said...

The makeover that Jim got helped him become an Alcoholic Anonymous instead of a Vet. Jim was really happy about his makeover. Jim Wolf saw the man he once was after his makeover before his makeover he looked like an old homeless person.
-Albert Rawles

Trevor Cross said...

I personally think he looks better with the makeover. I also think it was a good thing for him to have this makeover because he could see it as a start to a new life. I also think it is wrong that many of the people who risk their lives to keep us safe are homeless. We, as Americans, should do something about this to help support them since they have done so much for us.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so cool that they did this to Jim anyone that has served our country deserves a chance like this. I feel when he saw his new transformed self in the mirror it brought out the old Jim and that is why he went into AA and why he started to make his life better.
Adrian Rhodes

Izabelle Aiken said...

I think Jim looks so much better than he did before. Jim looks so handsome and so professional to get a home and a job. So lets prey for Jim and wish him luck.

Anonymous said...

I think that it was an awesome thing what they did for him. He looks better with the makeover and he looks very happy. I think that our nation should do a lot for our veterans, since they had done a lot for our home. Instead of sending them on their way they should have kept an eye on them, to make sure that they didn't go back into their old habits.

Samantha Albert

Anonymous said...

The makeover was a success. He looked like he enjoyed it. Any man that fights for our country deserves this type of treatment.

Josh Edwards

Brianna Mcnew said...

He definitely looks good and better than he did before. It is great what they did for him, and i'm glad he got the opportunity to get and be better. It's great that their are still people out there that are willing to give him the chance to get better. Our nation should do a lot more for the homeless and struggling veterans, since they did so much for us.

Anonymous said...

Holden Hyler

I think this program is great for people that severed in the military. It helped Mr. Wolf turn his life around from the alcohol and him being homeless. This program really changed his life.