Friday, November 15, 2013

The Mom Song

I have been at a loss for good blog topics this week.  So I have gone back to one of my favorites.  Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? This YouTube sensation has been seen many times, both on television and the Internet. Here is the premise: in just about three minutes she sings all the things a mom might say in a typical day. Very funny and also entertaining!

Of course, as with many discussions between parents and teens, there are probably going to be some disagreements. Watch Ms. Renfore's version. And of course there is the teenager perspective. Is that a normal thing to follow the first video? Does Ms. Renfroe sound like your mom; or do you agree with the teenager?  After you have viewed the videos, post your comments (remember 3-5 sentences).


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Renfroe definitely sounds like my mom! My mom is insane just like her. She is always on my case about the craziest stuff. The second video I viewed was a great one to follow up the first one. Both videos were hilarious and entertaining. I will absolutely show my mom these videos!
-Brittany Wade

Anonymous said...

I can see where the teen is coming from. She wants more freedom and wishes her mom would trust her more. However, at the same time the mom wants to protect her child, while raising her to be responsible and dependable.

~Mataabea Lawrence

Becca said...

My mom doesn’t treat me like that; she doesn’t have to tell me every little thing to do because I already know what to do. I also don’t act like that to my mom; we are both pretty laid back. I don’t know who I agree with out of the two. I see both sides and I could take a couple things from both that my mom and I say. The videos were very entertaining and I enjoyed this blog!

Matthew Saunders said...

Both of the videos made pefect sense in a funny way. The teen wants more freedom and to explain why they do it, while the mom explain what their job is for their kids. both videos were really good, and funny in a way, well many ways.

Anonymous said...

My mom is like the teenager perspective. And the teenager can’t sing. Even though I’m used Mrs. Renfores song so I’m kind of in the middle of both.
Christopher White

Unknown said...

I don’t really agree with either one. They are both right in some way and in some ways their both wrong. I can’t really decide which on to pick, you just have to listen to them and figure out which statements you agree with and which ones you disagree with. There are some parents who are stricter then others. If a parent is too strict then the child never has fun in their life and they grow up becoming grouchy and mean. But if a parent is not as strict then the child will one day grow up being not caring and will probably get in trouble with the law. I guess being a good parent is all about finding a balance.

Anonymous said...

I think that the video about a teenager’s perspective is very interesting and funny. It is also very accurate with most teenagers and there parents these days. The mom song was also very accurate because usually my mom says most of that to me in one day. Both videos were very interesting and entertaining and very funny.

Justin Hampton

Kaylan said...

I really don’t agree with the videos, I’ve heard some of my friend’s parents do this, but my mother doesn’t. I think it is very irritating and frustrating when a parent constantly tells their child to do this and do that all the time. My mother doesn’t treat me that way, if she tells me to do something the first time I’m going to listen to her and do it when she tells me to, but some of my friend’s parents are like that and they talk back to them, which I think is kind of disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

I do believe Ms. Renfroe sounded like my mom, but only sometimes when she is really stressed. However, I can definitely see where the teen is coming from. Teens are naturally rebellious, and we are sick and tired of hearing the same things from our parents over and over again. I believe that was a natural response to Ms. Renfroe’s song. However it does show how even though we may never say it we do really love our mom.

~Maddie Atkinson

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry but not trying to be mean but she cannot sing. I understand the song which is neat but why in that particular tone which I do not like. But that’s a great way for kids and teens to know what to do when they get up in the morning.

Trayvon Butler

Anonymous said...

She is a terrible singer. The song is a little catchy. It may be good entertainment to other moms but us kids don't care that much. I thought it was funny that she got up there and embarrassed her self.

Zayne Bankson

Cory Childress said...

Both videos were interesting. They both got their points across clearly. I think the teenager's perspective was better.

Anonymous said...

It was a little funny but not a lot, it was creative but not everyone does this every day. It was very accurate for what us teens go through everyday, but I do actually say the stuff that the girl in the second video was singing about. So I guess it was just very creative, funny to put together, and worth having to hear it all the time.

~Cassie Hedgepeth

Anonymous said...

Emily Edwards
When I watched this video, the mom song, that mom was right about all the things she said. In fact, I’m surprised that my mom would even like it. My mom would say some of the things that she would say except in a shorter amount of time. It’s weird because she looks like a teacher at my school, Mrs. Carr, and she sounds like her too. I’m not trying to mean when I say this I didn’t care for much. However, she did have a unique way of getting her point across.

TyKera Holloman said...

Mrs. Renfroe sounds exactly like my mom and my grandmother. I agree with Mrs. Renfroe’s statement but then again I also agree with the teenage side of the story. I understand that many parents have been young once but it’s different now. Back then things were not the same as they are today.

James Lawrence said...

I understand the mom is trying to raise her daughter to be respectful. And the daughter is just trying to have a good time. I couldn’t quite understand what they were saying at times but I know there opinions were going back and forth.

Ashley Whitley said...

She doesn't sound like my mom at all. I agree with both of them. All of their points are right, and of course teenagers and adults are going to think different and have different opinions. Both of the videos were really entertaining and funny

Anonymous said...

Holly C
Mrs. Renfroe says at least 75% of what my mom says in a day. I think it was intresting to watch. I loved the teenage girl perspective of it. That was great also. She may have not been the best singer. But, the song was catchy.

Anonymous said...

Shaquadia Brown
These video were great they both had different point of view. The lady really tells what mothers say. The teenager tells great point of views of how teenagers hear. These videos were great to put together.

Griffin said...

The videos were accurate for the most part. My mom says some stuff like the mom in the first video, but for the most part I think my mom's behavior is pretty unique. I'm not really like the teenager in the second video though.

Rayquan Parker said...

I really think the first one is great....that lady killed it she did really good my mom says all of that stuff and I mean everything.The teen in the second video wasn't so great I think she could have done better.

Demarcus Porter said...

I really think the first was more funny and better than the second one.The mom in the first was funny and true. The second video was alright, but not as funny as the first.

Anonymous said...

Steven Cutchins
I think the mom is funny. I think she is interesting. I like the video, however I would not watch it every day.

Trevor Cross said...

I think these videos were accurate for the most part. It explains the everyday things most moms' and teenagers'say and how they act. I also think it is interesting how they showed some of these everyday struggles in a song under 3 minutes.

Tabatha Davis said...

I think that the mom song is very true. Mom's say the same things everyday. I would also have to agree with the teen"s response because I know that I have said those things to my mom a thousand times. They were both kind of funny.

Anonymous said...

Taijii Skeeter

The first video is so true about everything she is saying. It is very interesting a funny. The second video is okay it wasn't better than the first. It was also alright it could have been a little better. But I can't relate to the teenager in the second video.

Anonymous said...

Zach Reese
Some people might act this way but, I don’t roll my eyes and I hate texting. I’m forced to take out the trash and clean the yard of “land mines”. Some kids hate their parents but I love mine so I can deal with it for a little bit.

Anonymous said...

Holden Hyler

I think the first video was better because it was more funnier. The second one was not that funny at all. The first video was what a mom would really say.

Brianna Mcnew said...

I do agree with the mom video, moms say those things all the time to their children. But of course, I like the teenage perspective video because that's exactly how we are and can be. But that's how things are, your mother nags because she loves you, and we roll our eyes because we want more privacy and freedoms. I agree with both videos.

Anonymous said...

I can relate to where the teen is coming from although I haven't wished for it but I have witnessed it. The video explains what usually happens between the parent and the teen. Most teens wish to have more freedom and that is usually the argument.

Trey King

Anonymous said...

I agree with the teenager, we all would like freedom. Being stuck in the house doing homework is boring. Sometimes we just want to get out and have fun. Both videos had a good point of view, but I agree more with the teenager, probably when I get older I would understand the mom's point of view.

Benniqua Allmond

Anonymous said...

I feel this is like my mom she tells me what to do and she gives me chores but in the end it all helps me in the future to be able to care for myself. Also when the women was talking about getting ready in the morning that was exactly like me. Lastly when the women was talking about even though doing what a parent asks is hard in the end they both care for each other is exactly true.
Adrian Rhodes

Izabelle Aiken said...

Both of the videos made me laugh. the teen wants more freedom and to explain why they do it, while the mom explains there roles in the house. I just want to say that those mom videos are funny, but my mom sings way better then those mom.

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed both of the videos. I love how unique and talented they are. My mom isn’t exactly like that but, I know some that are like that. I was entertained the whole time I was watching the videos.

Josh Edwards

Kelvin Jackson said...

I can really see where she is coming from. My mom does the same stuff as her mom. I just can't wait to show this to my mom and see the reaction on her face.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen that before. It's funny and totally true. The mom song sounds just like my mom. My mom says something or has me do something and I reply like the teenager.

Samantha Albert

Anonymous said...

I love the mom song! She must have had a lot of practice. I first watched the younger girl do her song, and didn't know if she was the adult acting like the kid or just being the kid. After I watched the real version I then understood the second version. I really like them both!
Imani Horsley 2

Albert Rawles said...

The women were talking about responsibilities that any kid should do. The mom was talking about doing things you should like at home and at school. The teenager was talking about get a longer time out at night so she can do extra stuff that she wanted to do.

Landon Newcomer said...

It was pretty creative of her to come up with that song. All of those things she sang about were all things kids commonly complain to their parents about. I can see her perspective though most parents don’t let their kids have enough freedom.

Anonymous said...

I didn’t find either of these videos funny. Even thoe both of the videos made pefect sense. It just wasn’t that funny to me but I still got the message.

Jesse Holloway