Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Middle Ages Torture

Through out the Middle Ages, torture was a very common way to punish offenders. They ranged from mere psychological torture, to exorbitant pain making the victim wish for death, sometimes they got their wish. The methods they used to extract confessions were very warped, but they sure got the point across. Here are some of the methods that were used. *Viewer discretion is advised.*

Rack Torture

Judas Cradle

Chair of Torture

The Spanish Tickler

Water Torture

Flaying Torture

What's interesting, is that most of the things they were tortured and killed for, such as adultery and not attending church, are things we wouldn't even go to jail for today. What do you think about today's system of punishment? Is it too lenient or do you think we should use some of the methods that were used in medieval times? This is optional: Tell which torture device is your favorite and why.

Thanks to our Guest Bloggers!!!!!!

Lyndee and Matt


Unknown said...

The system that they used along time ago was harsh. I think we shouldnt use any of there methods. Also my favorite was the chair of toture.

Joshua Morgan said...

I do not think that todays punishments are to lenient. I do however think there should be bad punishments for killers and maybe use some of the old methods on killers and theifs but thats it. I do not think we should bring back those barbaric punishments.

Unknown said...

I think in the past they took consequences a little to far, even today they might let people get off to easy or the other way around. Sometimes, people can take things to far for something so little or the other way around. I am sure glad that things are different now, because I would hate to be tortured or beaten.

Unknown said...

I think the torture chair is cool. I hope people don't sit in the chair by choice. It would suck to be tortured that way or punished. I hope the people that were put there really deserved it.

Quesha12 said...

I think the tickler is kind of cool. It's sounds terrible and very scary. However, i find it kinda fascinating, and out of the rest of the choices, i chose the tickler as my favorite.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, as far as the worst torture, was the "Tickler". I would never want to harm anyone in that way even if they hurt me in the most horrible way possible. I am very ticklish sothat is just to much torture for me!!

Dr. Watson said...

OUCH!!! I’m glad that I don’t live in the middle ages. They had sick and unusual punishment. They were hypocrites because they would go to church and say murdering is wrong. Then if you didn’t go they would kill you. That’s so stupid. I glad we have freedom today.

Unknown said...

No, I think jail is just fine. I wouldn't want to die for not going to church every Sunday! It's been so long since I've been there, I'd be dead by now. Matt , you're a strange kid, but you're my best friend (:

specter said...

No, I don't think we should use those methods of torture because it was very inhumane and barbaric. The amount of pain indused by those torture instruments is incomprehensible. the judas cradle would have to be my favorite because they hang you up by the arms and it brakes your shoulder blades. and other stuff to gruesome to mention.it is like being handcuffed and hanging by the hand cuffs behind youre back

Unknown said...

i think they was very hard on punishments back then.

Unknown said...

I thank that for some of the things that people do these days they should use some of those punishments. So yes I do think that should bring them back and show some people how they did other people so that know how it feels. I thank that some of them would be good punishments.

lisa said...

I think that the system today is great. No one wants to get killed over something so crazy like they use to back in the day.If u ask me them punishments back in the day was not fair at all. Today's system is good enough for us.

alexis said...

I think that the punishments that they had in the past are a lot different then the way we do things. We don't kill people over not going to church, I think that today's punishments are a lot easier then the way things use to be. The water torture sounds really bad, that would probably be the one that i would least like to be tortured by.

Allen said...

I am personally glad that our government does not incorporate those punishments into our modern world. I honestly can say that today's punishments are not lenient because those things they were punished for in the past, aren't as important to us in the modern life.

Liv said...

I think that the punishments back then were really harsh. I am glad that we have a more lenient punishment system now. I don't
have a favorite torture device.

Mary said...

Today's system of punishment is to be debated. The leniency is sometimes a bad thing, people being tortured for not going to church is to horrible. As for a favorite torture device they are all horrible and I don't see how someone could have a favorite one but I guess some people would.

jeff said...

I think that punishments used to be a lot worse. I think that they should not be used. The death penalty could be used in certain cases but that is just my oppinion.

cole said...

Some of these are really crazy. Torture is really bad but back in the day I guess they had no lives ha ha. But anyway my favorite form of torture is the water drops because its crazy that would make you go crazy.

The WWII Reenactor said...

I believe that our punishments are just right. The people in the Middle Ages were nuts with torture. Their punishments were too extreme. I like the Water Drop because it just drives people insane and deteriorates the skin and bone making for an awsome torture session.

Kyle said...

I think todays punishment is alot better than past punishment. It is way more easy going now a days. Back then they would most likely kill you if you murdered someone else.

jerk king said...

I like the Spanish Tickler torture the best. I think it is the worst pain you could ever encounter. I wouldn't ever wish that on somebody, but it is pretty torturous. I would not want to have the skin scraped off my back until I died.

Jesse Tengowski said...

In the past, I believe that the crimes were too harsh though they are sweet torture devices. In the past everyone should have gone too church no matter what their religon was. My favorite torture device was the chair. Today, I believe the punishments are alright.