Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Cows are Taking Over the World

They are everywhere. You see them on billboards, at the mall, in other shopping areas,  and in commercials on television. They even have their own college football games!   That's right, I am talking about those wild and crazy Chick-fil-A cows. Thinking about it, don't you agree that the person who created that advertising idea was very clever?

Do you like to eat at Chick-fil-A? Why or why not? What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Do you like the ads, or have they gotten boring and old?

Check out their website! The history and policies of Chick-fil-A are interesting to read. Let me know what you think! Oh, yes include one neat Chick-fil-A fact in your post. Proofread!

Cows ROCK!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Blonde Controversy

People always say "Oh my God did you see that blonde?!" Blonde haired people always seem to get the most attention whether it be in the media, or just everyday life. This may be because their hair is usually bright and shiny,or maybe it is simply because it stands out from more common dark colors.  However that is not my point. I want to ask the world famous question: "Are blondes really the best?"

A big thank you to today's guest blogger, who wished to remain anonymous.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For some it is a day of football, for others a day to plan their Friday shopping excursions, and for others a chance to enjoy a feast with family and friends. Thanksgiving should also be a day when we reflect on all that we have to be thankful for! Thanksgiving has a long history dating back to the ancient Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. In America it can be traced back over 350 years!

How do you and your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you have traditions that you follow? Will you eat too much? Tell us about what you plan on doing for Thanksgiving, and what it means to you in your posting. Remember to use at least three to five sentences!

And, finally, I hope each and every one of you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
And, here are a couple of clips to make you smile.

Monday, November 21, 2011


You have heard many things about words.  Some of these sayings might be as simple as "words have meanings" and "your words become you."   Here is a bit of a more complex thought:  "Change your words. Change your world."

Take a look at the power of changed words
What did you think of the video?  Do you believe that your words really can change your world?  What kind of effect would the new sign have had on you?
(3-5 Sentences)

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Mom Song

Have you heard "The Mom Song" by comedienne Anita Renfroe? The YouTube sensation has been seen many times, both on television and the Internet. Here is the premise: in just about three minutes she sings all the things a mom might say in a typical day. Very funny and also entertaining!

Of course, as with many discussions between parents and teens, there are probably going to be some comments. Let's watch Ms. Renfore's version. And of course the teen's perspective. Is that a normal thing to follow the first video? After you have viewed the videos, post your comments (remember 3-5 sentences).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn, the newest movie in the Twilight series opens this Friday.

All right, I will admit that I am not a fan of the Twilight series of movies.  I have not seen any of them and do not plan to see any of them.  However, I understand the popularity of the series.  Over the last three years, many students have told me how much they like the movies and enjoy reading the books.

How many of you will be going to see "Breaking Dawn" when it opens?  Will you be going to see it on the day it opens, or will you wait several days to let the crowds thin out?  Or will you not be going to see it? 

In your post, please tell us what you think of the Twilight series and whether you will be watching the movie? Why do you like or not like the movies?  And remember, three to five sentences.   Here is the trailer .  Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

And Away we Go!

After much discussion, it is time to begin blogging as a class.
Thank you for checking out this blog. This is intended to be a teaching tool for my  classes. Just a few quick rules. First, be respectful, tolerant and positive in your comments. Remember that this is an open blog and anyone (including your classmates) can see what you write.  Do a good job!  Second: You must post to my blog to earn your full class participation grade for that day. We blog on many, but not all days. Thirdly, your comments must be grammatically correct and spelled properly. Fourth: have fun!  Now before you post, let's discuss my expectations for this activity in greater detail.

Tell us what you think of this. For this and all comments, remember to respond using a full paragraph (3-5 sentences).