Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Christmas Wish

Here we are, the last school day before the holiday break.  So what is my Christmas wish?  That is a tough one to answer.  In many ways I am truly blessed.  I have a roof over my head, lots of food in my pantry , loving friends and family.  My children are all doing well and I have five grandchildren with a sixth on the way.  In comparison with the rest of the world, I am very well off! 

For my Christmas wish, I want to see some things happen in 2013 and beyond.  How about peace on earth? It seems that too many people and nations resort to violence to settle issues and shatter that peace.  I want to see our service people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and all over the world come home safely.  Closer to home, I wish to see all of my students working smart and hard and completing their assignments.  I want to see you learn your lessons and acquire  life skills that will benefit you many years from now long after you have left WHS. 

It is difficult to write this and not think about what happened in Connecticut last Friday.  Wouldn't it be great to know that there would  never be  another school, mall or theater shooting in the future? 

Your assignment is relatively simple.  Tell us in a paragraph your wish for this holiday season.  Remember to proofread. 

Happy Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.  Enjoy your break, stay safe and see you in January, 2013.  

I close with the beginning of Saturday Night LIve from last Saturday. 


Kaylee said...

This Christmas I didn't want very much. But like Mr. Downing it would be great if everyone stopped fighting in the world and was peaceful. I think what everyone needs is to have a little peace and joy in their hearts.

Rhonda Copeland said...

My holiday wish is for everyone to be happy. Life is too short to not be happy and to even be alive is the greatest gift of all. I know 20 kids who lost their lives and would have loved to wake up on Christmas and spend time with their families. There is no reason to complain about not getting what you want for Christmas, because some kids don't get anything at all. I think if we put aside material things and cherish life, everyone would be grateful.

Anonymous said...

I don't really want a lot for christmas. I'm just thankful to have my family and freinds around. I wish that people would stop killing innocent little kids, and innocent people just for the fun of it. Another wish would to help al the kids who have no home, no family, no food. I wish that people would help them, but nowadays no one cares about anything but themselfs.


Jason Banks said...

This Christmas I want to wake up at my dad's house. I would love to see friends and family. And I hope to be happy in the future.

Alexis Sinclair said...

My wish is for the world to realize how important life really is and how little time we have to cherish it. Just like the horrible loss of life in that school, it can end like a snap of someone's fingers no matter your age, how good a person you are, or anything. There are people out there who just wake up on Christmas morning and take for granted everything they receive, but if they only realized how lucky they are to have it at all. Maybe if they did, the whole world would be going in a better direction.

Heather Puckett said...

Most of the topics that Mr. Downing said about world, peace I agree with, also that people use more vilonce today etc. My Christmas wish is that my dad will get better he has been sick for a while. Also another wish is for everyone to be safe for their holiday travels. On one more note, I like Christmas, because you are surrouded by the people who love you, and care for you. So happy Holidays everyone.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't want a lot for Christmas this year. Christmas isn't about the presents it's about spending time with your family and being thankful for what you have. You should alaways give more than you get. But as Mr. Downing said it would be nice if everyone could just stop fighting and everything could just be peaceful. My Christmas wish would be for everyone to be happy and for all the people out there stuggling to get everything they need.


heath said...

I know that people have a terrible christmas but that is a good example. I just might not enjoy what I do on my break but, thats nothing. Oh well I can tell that tose people will have it worse than I will

Ciara said...

This Christmas I just want for the families of those killed in the CT shooting and all other families missing someone this Christmas to still feel blessed and know that their loved ones would want them to be happy and not grieving this holiday season. I am just thankful for my family and friends who are still here with me this season and can enjoy Christmas with me. I hope everyone takes the time to recognize and appreciate their lives and their friends and family this Christmas, because it could be taken at any time.

Rebekkah Caudill said...

My Christmas wish is for the world to finally have WORLD PEACE. No more fighting, War, shootings, etc. Why can't everyone just get along? I think everyone would be way more friendly and happier!

Kayla Barnes said...

My Christmas wish is for the year 2013 to bless everyone with joy & happiness. There have been many unfortunate occurances to happen in recent years & what went on to the children and some adults at the Elementary School in Conneticut... That was so sad, but at least now people are taking security in public places more seriously.

Amber said...

My Christmas wish for this year is for my family and friends to have a wonderful holiday. I also want to wish that the families that lost loved ones in the shooting in CT have a cheerful day. They're gonna have a hard time this Christmas but I know their family and friends will be there for them and try as hard as they can to cheer them up. Happy Hoilidays to all that read this *<(:)

Daisy said...

This Christmas I just want for the families of the victims who lost their lives in the Conneticut shooting to feel joy. Their loved ones are gone, but they will live forever in their hearts. And I want everyone to have a wonderful blessed holiday with their friends and families.

Allison said...

My Christmas wish is that everyone could just get along and have a wonderful Christmas. I also wish that 2013 will bring more happiness and peace to everyone. This Christmas I hope everyone can just put aside the gifts and be thankful for what they already have. (:

Sam Donovan said...

I really didn't want a lot for Christmas this year. Christmas isn't about the presents it's about spending time with your family and being thankful for what you have. You should alaways give more than you get. But as Mr. Downing said it would be nice if everyone could just stop fighting and everything could just be peaceful. My Christmas wish would be for everyone to be happy and for all the people out there stuggling to get everything they need.

McKenzie Patrick said...

My Christmas wish is that everyone will stay safe over the holidays. I hope that everyone can be happy this time of year. I especially hope that the families and children affected by the tragedy in Connecticut will find some peace and happiness. I can’t imagine going through what they experienced.

Kevante said...

These songs are part of the excitement and tradition of Christmas. Each song brings back memories of joy and pain. I hope this Christmas is a very special Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I don't really want anything special for christmas. I guess it would be nice if music like gangnam style did'nt exist. That would be all for now.
Hunter Whitney

Chris Funai said...

My wish for christmas is that the world would stop threatning and fighting. Also for people to realize that their are people out there that don't have a christmas tree, or presents, or family to spend time with. I want all my family to be happy for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

I don't want anything for Christmas. I'm just blessed I have a family, clothes, shoes, food, and a roof over my head. Some people think it's all about the finer things, which really it's not. Terrible things happend this year, I hope 2013 it will be nothing but the good.... peace and happiness. Happy Holidays ! (:

-Clarissa Brown

Erica McKay said...

To be honest there is many things I want but I know I'm never going to get it so I don't want anything. I may get a camera this year, some clothes, and some make up. But I don't want any of those things, this Christmas all I really want is my mom to stop yelling at everyone and saying everything is my fault all the time. I also wish she can go throught her treatments it's complicated to explain, and I hope she never gets cancer agian. Any way but what I want and truly wish for every single day that what ever happens in my life that I will always be happy and everyone in my life will be happy, I wish that my life is full of smiles, laughter, love, friends, and family.

Armonie said...

My wish for Christmas is world peace, stop the violence and disturbence in this beautiful world. I would love too be happy with my friends and family, and im grateful I have them. Also, the Stevie Wonder song was beautiful and its more than Christmas spirit what he was saying.

Miranda said...

The first video really made me think about what I learnt in history. How other countries hate the U.S. and the people in it. We take every thing for granit. How we act like we are are the best thing every made or the world has seen. We have cause most of the problems not as people but as America. Things we could have had an impact in and stopping the violence instead of keeping it around. The saying "people don't kill people, guns kill people" isn't true in my eyes, they both kill people. People suffer everyday and America doesn't try to help unless they getting something out of it. We throw away food like it is nothing while there are people in Africa dying of hunger. They don't make it to see the Holidays they celebrate. Or the people in prison who are innocent they aren't having a Merry Christmas or the holiday they celebrate. I just wish America would stop being the way they are and hurting other innocent people and try to help other countries instead of turning them against there people.

Jasmine W said...

All I want for Christmas is for everyone to be happy and enjoy the holidays. Hopefully what happen last Friday will make people realize that life comes and goes for many people. This Christmas I just want everyone who still has a family to spend the holiday season with, to enjoy every last bit of it and remember life comes and goes for all.