Thursday, May 24, 2012

We are Family.

By definition: fam•i•ly
[ fámməlee ]

1. group of relatives: a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption
2. people living together: a group of people living together and functioning as a single house-hold, usually consisting of parents and their children
3. lineage: all the people who are descended from a common ancestor
Synonyms: relations, relatives, folks, kin, children, family unit, extended family, nuclear family, clan, nearest and dearest, loved ones, people, kinfolk

What does the term Family mean? Does Blood have a factor in it; for example does your family member have to be blood-related or married to be considered part of the family? The meaning of “family” is different for all of us, what’s yours?

Thank you to today's guest blogger:  Ica Reynolds.


Anonymous said...

Katheryn Cook says....

People in my family are not blood, were not even related. By if you’re close to me and help me in life and I know you won’t hurt me, then were family. We don’t have to live in the same house or anything. Some people in my family live six hrs away. I love my family so much. I would die with out them.

Anonymous said...

Lance Sexton says...

"Family" to me means a bond between you and someone else who has your back threw anything. It could be considered as a bestfriend but its more than that. It can be by blood our not, but if they would go threw anything for you or you for them than thats family.

Anonymous said...

Carlyn says...

To me, I don't think blood has to have a factor in it to be considered family. I also think the meaning of family is just whoever you are really close with. If you have known them your whole life but they are just your friends, they are basically family. Also, if you tell somebody everything about you, they could be considered family as well. I consider almost all my close friends as my family.

Anonymous said...

Family is folks that they bond with or grew up with each other. Family is also people who look out for each other no matter what. Family will stick together through thick and thin and never change for anything or anybody.

Lavoris Bowers

Anonymous said...

Chance says...

In my opinion family is when you act like a brother or sister. Or son or daughter. Or mom or dad or be kind to me or anyone I love, you are considered apart of the family. But if you hurt someone I love, you are out of the family no buts about it no execptions.

Anonymous said...

Family is a person that is blood related. Other people such as friends can act like they're your family. But they'll never actually be as close as a real family member.

Tyler Whitley

Anonymous said...

Family are people who you love and enjoy being around. Family doesn't have to be blood related, they can just be really good friends with you. I have many people that I call family, that aren't blood related.

Kellie Matthews

Anonymous said...

Family, I would say is people you grew up with, or are always around and you can trust. People who will be there for you through anything.
Essence Santiago

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Bartlett

To me, I don't think blood has anything to do with family. The meaning of family is when you and a person have been through everything together. I even consider some of my friends as family.

Anonymous said...

Being family doesn't mean your're blood related. I consider my closet freinds to be my fmaily. For me it's someone who I trust and has my back always.

Sydney Warren

Anonymous said...

Family is someone you love, someone you couldn't choose, someone that's been there for you, and someone whose been with you all of your life. You always have that close friend that knows everything, but in my opinion for me to consider someone family they have to be really close to me. But I do have members outside of my family that I consider family.
Jazzmine Bynum

Ronald Wade said...

People that I would call my family is the ones that are there when I need them. The ones that I grew up with and the ones that took care of me when I was younger. The ones that I will always trust and they will never disappoint me.

Anonymous said...

The term family to me is when somebody is there through thick and then, and will not judge you in any kind of way. I have family that are not related to me, but they feel like family. I do not know how I would live if I didn't have a family to support me, and help me through tough times.
Kacie Jackson

Anonymous said...

Avery said...
No you don’t need blood to be part of a family. I have had many step brothers and sisters. I have had step parents who were part of my family. I still have step parents who are in my family.

Anonymous said...

For me a person do not have to be considered blood to be apart of my family. The word family just means the people close to you, you love them, and will always be there for you when ever u have a problem. Anyone that is close to me is considered to be family blood or not.

Jemelle Hill

Holly Petzold said...

The word family, to me, means the people I care about and love. Close friends, literal blood-related family members, and pets are all considered "family" for me. Being married into the family isn't true family in my opinion unless you love them and care about them. If you are blood-related to someone it doesn't matter if you love them or not they are part of your family, but if they are married into the family you have a choice to call them family in my opinion.

Tyler Butler said...

In my opinion blood doesn't have to be a factor in "Family". Family to me is anyone that you are very close to, whether it a friend, sibling, parent etc. If you have people that would do anything for you and you have known them for a long time but there not blood related, I still would consider them my family.

Anonymous said...

The definition of family to me, is somebody that has your back through thick and thin. If I know you'll never leave my side, then I'll consider you family. You don't have to be blood related. I have plenty of freinds that I call my brothers or sisters.

Myiah Cook

Mason C said...

In my mind Family all depends on what exactly you are referring to. Any of my sports teams i would consider my family, however i don't hold them under the same category as My "Immediate" family, like my brother, mom, and dad. I would also call good friends my family.

Mason C said...

In my mind family all depends on what exactly you are referring to. Any of my sports team I would consider my family, however I don't hold them under the same category as my "Immediate" family, like my brother, mom, and dad. I would also call good friends my family.