Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sometime this week many of you will be getting your yearbooks.  Many people will look at the senior pictures and notice how nice they look in formal wear and read the quotes.  Senior quotes have been a staple of yearbooks for many years.  They express opinions, motivation, humor, and reflect the senior.  After you have read a few, they may even become boring. 

So here is an idea.  Take eight seniors who have the same last name and try coming up with a creative quote.  These seniors pulled it off and also did an excellent job of appearing nearly the same.  Curious, read the story.  Now, tell us what  you think! 

By the way, I used to be decent looking.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

We are Family.

By definition: fam•i•ly
[ fámməlee ]

1. group of relatives: a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption
2. people living together: a group of people living together and functioning as a single house-hold, usually consisting of parents and their children
3. lineage: all the people who are descended from a common ancestor
Synonyms: relations, relatives, folks, kin, children, family unit, extended family, nuclear family, clan, nearest and dearest, loved ones, people, kinfolk

What does the term Family mean? Does Blood have a factor in it; for example does your family member have to be blood-related or married to be considered part of the family? The meaning of “family” is different for all of us, what’s yours?

Thank you to today's guest blogger:  Ica Reynolds.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Oh no.  It seems that the University of Texas at Austin forgot one letter on the program for its' recent commencement ceremony.  Do you see the omission on the the picture above?  The link will take you to a news story on the typo. After reading the story, how do you feel about this error?  Is it being overblown or are spelling errors acceptable?  Would you have been offended/upset if you were graduating from this school and received this program?  I hope you will see why I am so big on proofreading!

Monday, May 21, 2012

RIP Donna Summer

Donna Summer, the Queen of Disco passed away last week.  You may not be familiar with her music.  Let me suggest that you listen to some of it.  Many of today's biggest pop and dance stars owe Ms. Summer a huge debt of gratitude.  She not only pioneered 12-17 minute dance numbers and disco hits, but successfully branched into pop and rock.  You could not go out dancing or to a club in the days of Disco of the late 1970's and 1980's without hearing Donna Summer's music.  Some people think that she was as big an artist as Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston.  This site is a good biographical sketch of her life. 

Ms.Summer also appeared on several television shows including Family Matters, where she played Steve Urkel's aunt Oona from Altoona.  Check out this clip.  You knew that I would somehow, someday work Urkel into a blog. 

After checking out her singing and acting, what do you think of her legacy and of her as an artist?  Will she be missed as much as Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This is an Interesting Option for Your Car

I have had many requests to repeat this blog. I think it is one of the funniest we have seen in this class.  Besides, we can all use a laugh on Friday.

If you have ever driven an automobile, then you've probably heard of this awesome protection plan they have called the "Trunk Monkey". What is a trunk monkey, you ask? Well it's pretty self explanatory. This great piece of equipment is used for almost everything from theft protection to keeping your daughter safe on dates, and possibly getting out of tickets! These videos should help you better understand how the trunk monkey operates.

Now that you have a basic idea of what this is, I want you to come up with your own protection system for your car, home, life, etc. What would you call it? Most importantly, how would it work?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Smart Phones

Okay, I normally wait until Friday to have a humorous post, but it has been a long week and we could all use a laugh.  But here is today's question/topic.  How many of you have a cell phone?  I imagine that most teenagers do have one.  Is yours a "smart phone"?  If it is, then you probably have plenty of apps stored on it.  Do you have a favorite app?  If so, what is it and why?  If you do not have a smart phone, is there an app you would like to have?  Do you think that your life would be easier or more complicated without a phone?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Doubt That Dave Will Lose His IPod!

Meet Dave Hurban.  He has found a simple, yet unique way to ensure that he never loses his IPod.  Check out this link! Read the story and tell us what you think.  Is it smart, not so smart, funny,  painful or creative? Is it something you would want to do?  It might beat losing your electronic device!  So tell us what you think!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

In case you were not aware, Sunday is Mother's Day! Mother's Day has been celebrated on the second Sunday in May for many years. Check out the Mother's Day webpage. Mother's Day has been an official American holiday for almost 100 years.
For many people, including me, moms have had a profound influence on making our lives better. Personally speaking, I will never be able to fully comprehend all my mom has done for me, including standing by me during some really tough times.

What do you think of the holiday? What will you do to celebrate? I will send my mom a card and a gift card to her favorite theater. Of course, I will also call her!

Now, tell us what you think of the holiday. Do you have big plans for your mom? Treat her well. She deserves it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rick Monday Saves The U.S. Flag

If this is not an act of patriotism to your country then I don't know what is. Many people say that they love their country and never really do anything to show it, but then there are people who fight and risk their lives for their homeland. It takes a great deal of love for your country to do what this man did especially in front of thousands of people. Do you think that Mr. Monday is a hero or just a man who thought what they were doing was wrong? Watch the video and tell me what you think.

Many thanks to Alec Kiser for authoring today's post.  As always I am looking for your comments and postings.  One final thought. . . as you watch the video from over 35 years ago, think about how much technology has changed!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Tan Mom

Maybe you have heard about Patricia Krentcil, referred to as "Tan Mom."  You probably agree that this is crazy and in many ways  a ridiculous news story.  Read the hyperlinked article.  Look at the video on this site or the one in the news article.  Now that you are familiar with the story, do you believe that she should have been charged with child endangerment?  Should the state get involved in the decisions of a mom to take her child into a tanning booth?  Is the mom a bad parent?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Hunger Games

Have you seen "The Hunger Games?"  I cannot say that I have and I am not sure that I will watch it.  However, I know that many students have seen it and many of you have read the book, or is there more than one book in the series? 

For today's conversation, I want you to tell us if you have seen the movie and what you think of it.  If you have not seen it, do you plan to see it?  Have you read the book and what do you think of it? 

I have not seen the movie and do not plan to see it.  Also, I have not read the book.  However, judging by the number of students I have seen reading it, it is a good book.  Finally, any book that gets many students to read it is a good thing!