The transformers are about two races of high tech robots with the abilty to transform into different objects. This enables them to gain advantages in the war between the heroic autobots defending earth from the evil decepticons who wish to take over the universe. The transformers have been around since 1984. Many people thought transformers just came out when the 1st movie was released back in 2007.
If given the chance would you watch the original transformers cartoon?
Do you have a favorite transformer?
Which do you like best; autobots or decepticons?
Thanks to our guest blogger: QC!
I use to have a bunch of transformers when I was little and I use to watch the cartoons. I like the autobots because their fighting for humanity. My favorite transformer is Bumble bee.
i thank that the transformers are cool and i did not know that thay were around back then. my favorite would be bumbel bee. hes so cut and ther so funney.
No I would watch the cartoon because the movie is much better then the movie. I would have to say i like the auto bots better. I think my favorite is ironhide i think thats his name.
If I had a chance to watch the transformers cartoon, I don't think I would. I rather watch the movies they made about it. My favorite transformer is the big yellow one. I have no clue if I would rather be an autobot or decepticon, well I am not sure because I really do not know what they are and what the difference between the two are.
Im not at all a transformer fan. Cars turning into robots is just plain weird. It cant be that much better in cartoon for.
I'm not really a big transformers fan. I saw the recent movie with Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouff, it was pretty good. I don't have a favorite transformer, but I don't like the mean ones.
I have always liked Transformers. Everr since the first movie came out i have loved it. I like all of the action in it and the intensity.
Yeah, I mean I guess I would watch an old one. I don't have a favorite I don't really like them all that much. I don't know who I like the best because I don't know which one is which.
I am a girl sooo I dont't have too much experience with Transformers but I saw one of the movies in theatres. Personally it's too much action for me. It's interesting in a way but not the first thing I'd pick if I was watching tv.
No I would not watch Transformers if I had a chance I think that its really boring and I do not like it. If I had to pick one I would probably pick the autobots cause I like good guy. I do however have one Transformer game for ds and I think its okay.
No I would not watch the original cartoon. But I would play the video game. After watching the second transformer movie my favorite transformer would have to be the blackbird airplane in the museum
I used to watch the show with my brother, so yes I would watch it again. Also, I'm a fan of the autobots. Of those, my favorite is optimus prime.
I think transformer are cool I but I really like the movie they really did their thing on the movie it was amazing and its just good to watch.
The only time i would watch transformers, is if im wating it with my nephew, or my little cousins. Other than that, i don't think i'd watch it. I don't know what an autobot is, but it sounds cool. :)
If I had the chance I would not watch the original Transformers cartoon. My favorite Transformer is Bumblebee, he is cute and I like yellow. I like autobots the best, because the are the good guys and besides no one wants to be evil. I wish I was a Transformer. :)
Well, I don’t really like transformers. But I used to watch it when I was a kid. Bumblebee is my favorite and I think I like auto bots better.
I probably wouldn't watch the transformers cartoon if I got a chance. I have never watched that show, so I don’t really have a favorite. I didn’t really like the videos, but I think everyone has their own opinion on what they like to watch.
I have never watched transformers. I probably would not watch the cartoon. I do not have a favorite transformer.
Yes I would love to watch the cartoon if I had a chance. My favortie one is the yellow one. I thnk they are so cool and I love the movie I wacth it over and over again.
I like transformers, i think there way cool. I liked the movie. I don't know why i like them though.
I would definitely like to watch the original Transformer shows. Personally I prefer the Decepticons. Even though I like the Decepticons, my favorite transformer would have to be Optimus Prime.
I might watch the original cartoon, cause I haven't seen it before. My favorite Transformer is Optimus Prime. I definitely like the Autobots better.
I think that Transformers are ok. If given the chance I'd watch the original show. My favorite is Optomus Prime. Since I like Optomus I'd be an Autobot.
I used to watch transformers i like the movies.
When I was younger I use to watch Tranformers, they were pretty cool. I liked X-Men as a child a lot more. This was a pretty cool blog, my favorite Tranformer was Ironhide. I would love to blog more about these things. James Howlett OUT!!!!
I used to have a lot of Transformers when I was little, and I used to watch the cartoon. I like both the Autobots and Decepticons because the Autobots are honorable and the Decepticons are evil and being evil is fun. My favorite is Bumblebee.
Transformers are alright. I have seen one of the movies and it was good. I would watch the original cartoons. My favorite would be the autobots.
I guess transformers are cool I like Bumblebee the most. I dont really like the decepticons. But yeah transformers are cool. I think I want one..
I love the bee one he is so cute. I like Autobots and I have never look at the TV show but I have seen the movies.
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