Friday, January 16, 2009


History is being made today as Barack Obama is being inaugurated as the 44th President of The United States. This is the culmination of over a year of hard campaigning. As he takes the oath of office, he faces both opportunities and challenges. The economy is not in good shape. The nation is involved in wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. However, there is a feeling of optimism in the air as Washington will be crowded for the inauguration and other activities.
Will you be watching the activities? Have you been reading the stories and watching the news broadcasts surrounding this historic date? Did you follow the campaign? Please let us know your thoughts.
As a reminder, proofread your work and most of all, be civil!


Muhammad R. said...

I watched a little bit of the inauguration on TV. It was on almost every channel. I do not really follow politics and presidency like that. Barack Obama has made history in many of ways. I guess I will try and read stories and follow the news updates for Barack Obama. I just hope that he is a good representative of this Country and everyone in it.

Ashley said...

Since we didn’t have school yesterday, I decided to watch a little bit of the inauguration. Since it’s a very long process, I only watched the Oath and Barrack Obama’s speech, which is probably the most important part of the ceremony. I followed the campaign somewhat in the beginning but after a while it got really tiring and annoying to hear about. You can only take so much of something at a time, and this includes elections. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be in the office point of time in the world. There’s a lot going on and I wouldn’t want to be blamed or put into fault if something went wrong.

Skye said...

I watched the inauguration towards the end with my family. I have not been reading the stories or watching the news broadcast surrounding this historic event but my parents have kept me informed. Luckily, I did follow the campaign closely with many others. Even though some of my friends and family do not approve of his presidency I feel that he has many good thoughts and ideas.

trevor said...

Obama made it to be the first black President of the United States. He made history yesterday when he was inaugurated. It was the largest inauguration by any president in U.S. history. I believe he has great ideas but even Obama is scared something will happen. I think he can Change America.

Unknown said...

I watched the inauguration yesterday for a time and it was ok. I did not like the violin part but it was ok. It was a lot of people that came out to see our President. I also watched the million other programs that were about Obama. Its nice to see peoples support. I try to keep up with what is going on in our country as much as possible, but you cant watch everything. But Im glad to have actually watched what I could. I feel so informed.

Unknown said...

I did watch the activities yesterday involved in the inauguration. I also saw Obama mess up his oath. I have been watching the stories on TV about it. It is the only thing on TV and about the only thing on the news. I really didn’t follow the campaign after he won the election, because I really didn’t care about where he was and what he was doing.

LeAnne said...

Yes, I watched the event on TV yesterday, I am excited for what’s to come for us in America. I followed the campaign it was very exciting. I think we got a good president and I feel he will bring change to Washington.

Lauren! said...

Mainly I watched President Obama's speech. I did not watch much of the inauguration. However, I have been reading the released stories and watching the news broadcasts concerning this historic date. I thought his speech was terrific. I think that the whole world is looking forward to seeing him progress and change this world for the better. In the beginning I did not follow his campaign that much but as time went on I started to really favor him. I think that his presidency should be something to look forward to in years to come.

Anonymous said...

I love Barak Obama. I didn’t like him at first but he has won me over. I did watch the inauguration. His speech gave me chills. I love that he is a normal person and can relate with many different types of people. He is a true American. His mother is white, his father is black, and he grew up around Muslims, how more diverse can you get. That is what America is about, the land of the free.

Unknown said...

I have been watching the news and keeping up with the elections and so on. I can say that this was a new making in the history of the U.S., because he is the first African-American President. I hope that he will give this nation the help that we truly need, and I'll keep him and his family in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Politics are something I do not get interested in. I didn't follow his campaign. I think politics are kind of boring so I did not watch the activities. I'm interested in the well-being of the economy, but not so much in politics. I think a lot of politicians use forms of propaganda to get citizens' approval.

Unknown said...

I only watched part of the inauguration yesterday. The only part I saw was when he was being sworn in. I think that Barack Obama will be a bit of a step up from Bush. I don't really follow all the news or anything like that; even though I know that I should.

**Bethany=) said...

I watched some parts of the inauguration of our new President, Barack Obama. Even though I think this just might be the most exciting of presidential elections I didn't follow it closely. I watched the part when he was signing all the official paper work. I thought it was sad when President Bush waved good bye a final time as he boarded the helicopter. It was happy day for most and a sad day for some.

Maurica said...

I have been watching the news and this is a very important date. I think that it is great that an African American is holding the office of president. I think that President Obama opens new doors for minorities. He shows that you can really be whoever you want. I watched the inauguration and the ball and they were both very nice. I like the fact that Obama seems to be concerned about the country and his family. I think that President Obama will help restore the American people.

whsduke™ said...

Yesterday I did watch part of the inauguration. I watched the beginning up until about when Aretha Franklin finished singing. I didn't watch the actual thing very long, but I did watch most of it later on after I woke up. It was very inspiring because many people were happy to the point that they were crying. I believe that Obama will be a good president because he is just a great person. Back when he started campaigning, I remember there was a lot of talk about it because we were either going to have the first black president or the first woman president. Most people did not care that Clinton was a woman or that Obama was black they just saw them as people who were trying to lead our country. In my opinion this is a very good thing because there are still some people in this world today that judge based on race or sex and they think that one certain type of person is better than another. We should all be celebrating because it just shows that people have taken a step in the right direction towards world peace.

Roger said...

I watched parts of it but not that much. I’m not that really into politics that much thaw. But I do know that yesterday was a big day in history foe the USA. And that the 44th president to take office is black.

Unknown said...

Well first of all yesterday I did watch some of the inauguration, but not all of it. I saw the walking in of everyone and the new vice president and the actual president give their oaths. Once Obama started giving his speech I cut it off and started watching movies. I believe that having Obama as president will change the world in many ways. Hopefully in good ways that it is. He enjoys talking about us and we and not himself. I believe that Obama will do what he thinks is best for everyone and not just himself. The world is going to change in many ways and right now it has just begun.

Dee Dee said...

I did not watch the inauguration but I did see some of it on the news. As far as the whole campaign and all the other activities that went on through out this whole thing I think were pretty cool. I believe that Barack Obama will make a great president and seeing that he has two kids of his own I also think that he will be a good influence or romodel on other dads as well. I think that history has been made and that we will just see what he has to offer over the next four years or more! Hopefully... I love you Barack!!!!!

Georgie said...

No, I didn't watch the inaguration, but I did watch a few of the debates and am quite familiar with Obama's work. Although he is brilliant in his speaches, I do not believe that he will do well in office, at least to start off. This is due to the fact that he has very little political experience. I'm not saying that he shouldn't ever be president, just that he should wait awhile and see how things work in D.C.