Monday, April 2, 2012

Words Have Meaning

You have heard me say several times that words have meanings.  That is obvious.  However, do you realize the power behind words?  This video proves it!  Let's take a look at it and I will let you decide.  My question for you is simple:  Is there a power in words? Can changing your words change your world?


Anonymous said...

Katheryn Cook says....

There is a huge power in words. The lady changed his words and it changed the people’s attitude by giving more. Words have a big part on the way we live today on so many ways. It changes the way we think about things.

Anonymous said...

Carlyn says. . .

To me, yes, I think there is a power in words. Just by changing the words but keeping the same meaning, it can make a big difference. Just like the man in the video. The lady that walked by just changed the words around and put them in better words and by doing that, the blind man got more and more money.

Anonymous said...

Lance Sexton said..

Yes, I do believe words can change your world. Just by looking at this video it shows how the man is blind and that he can't see the beautiful days and the sun shining when we see it everyday. Words can change a person's day from being completely awful, to having a smile and glad to be alive.

Anonymous said...

That was very kind for her to go and rewrite what he wrote.It tells you that there are people out there that do care for people like that. While others threw money down this one lady came and changed his world for him. It just takes one person.

~Chantel W.:)~

Anonymous said...

Lavoris Bowers

There is a big power in words. Sometimes saying something in a different way can be very helpful. So when you say somthing think about how or which way you say it.

Anonymous said...

chance said...

I believe that there is power in words. Because what you say or write can determine how people react to what you said or wrote. In the video what she did was extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a power in word. When the people walked by they must have thought he was lying but, when the young lady stop and change his words around he begin to receive more money. By her changing his words around I really think it touched alot of people’s hearts and that’s why they kept stopping and giving him money.
-Daysha Pittman-:)

Reynolds said...

Words have power behind each and every single syllable. Simple words can change the entire sentence and even the context that is used. Life will forever be changed for this man for even though he cannot see, someone who could changed the wording to help him, and she didn’t want anything in return which makes the words that much more significant to the old, blind man. Everyday a simple "Hello" can change the outcome of some one else's life.

Anonymous said...

Avery said...
Words have a lot of power. It makes people think and wonder. The words can cause people to do things different. Yes changing your words can change the world, even if all you change is how you said them.

Mason said...

Words can change anything. Its all about how you say something.

Kellie said...

Words can change the way people look at things. They are that powerful. Words change feeling, and can even change peoples lives.

Anonymous said...

I thought the video was very touching. The way you speak can really make a big difference in how people see you. To answer the question yes, the power of words is very true. It can truly change the world.

Tyler Whitley

Tim Vogelsang said...

There definitely is a power in words, this was proved by many great men and women in history.
I think words have a big influence on how my world sees me, because they are my main tool to communicate.

Anonymous said...

What the lady did was very sweet. I think that there is power in words and what we say means a lot. Words have a lot of power and can change the world.

Sydney Warren

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a lot of power in words. Just in the way you say a word can change someone's point of view of that subject. So never think you cant save or help someone by talking to them or telling them the right words.
Justice Chapman

Anonymous said...

There is definantly power in words. If words had no power than people wouldn't have hurt feelings, or worry about what others think. Words have the power to change the way we live life, and sometimes even take anothers life. So I think you should watch what you say unless it could benefit antoher person.

-Alec Kiser

Anonymous said...

Words have power and can change a bunch of things. This video shows a good example of showing how words change stuff. I do believe if you change you words it will change your world.

Ronald Wade

Anonymous said...

Lindsey Bartlett said. . .

Yes there is a power in words. Just by the lady changing his words more people started giving him money. What you do can change a person's lives.

Remington Tyler Butler said...

Yes I believes that words do have power. As you could see in the video there was not many people stopping to give money to the blind man but once that lady came by and changed the meaning of the words it made people realize that words can change anything, so yes i would say that words do have power.

Anonymous said...

Kacie Jackson
That was very sweet what the young lady did for the old man. Just switching around the words can change things, make things better. Words help bring the man happiness. Thats what the lady did helped the man get more money. I thought it was sad at all the same time. I never really thought what words can do, but now I see.

Anonymous said...

Jazzmine Bynum,
Words are very power and mean a lot. It's not all the times what you say, it's how you say it. The lady increased the gentleman's profit just by changing the words on his sign; very, very powerful!!

Holly Petzold said...

Words mean the world to people. Always think before you talk, write, and especially text. Some words can make situations better or worse. It all deoends on which words you choose to use.

Anonymous said...

Words really do have a meaning. It was nice for the woman to change the sign for the man. He was able to make more money.

Jemelle Hill

Mason said...

The power of words is amazing. People really do have hearts. This video is amazing.