Wednesday, January 4, 2012


There are lots of holidays throughout the year, but have you seen some of the holidays for January? Some such as "Run It Up the Flagpole" and "See If Anyone Salutes Day, Fruitcake Toss Day, House Plant Appreciation Day, National Nothing Day, and last but not least, Squirrel Appreciation Day." There are many more holidays for January, but these are just a few.

What if you could create your own holiday? One just for yourself or a group of people. It could be named anything and be based upon whatever you like. How many people do you think would join in on this holiday?

A special shout to today's guest blogger.  However, I can not mention her name as she wishes to remain anonymous.


Austin McNew said...

National Stay At Home and SLEEP Day! That would be the holiday I would create if I could. It would be for everyone who needs to catch up on sleep, and I'm pretty sure most people would join in on it.

Chris said...

If i could make a holiday i would name it National Sleep Day.

Littlefield said...

If I could create my own holiday i would name it "Josh Is Awesome Year." My holiday would not only be a day, but an entire year. Everyone would celebrate my holiday, well because I am Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Manuel Said....

National Manuel Montel Williams appreciation day. A well deserved day where everyone just adores me and showers me with gifts and praise. As wonderous as this day sounds I doubt many would join.

Hacker said...

National nothing day is fine by me. So I would just make something like that. Maybe national skip day.

Hacker said...

littlefield i would move to candida just to get away from your holiday

Jasmine said...

If I could make a holiday, I would want a No School Day. That would be really cool. It would benefit basically all students, and even teachers too.

Anonymous said...

If I could make a day I would name it national I don't care day. On this day you can just go crazy or sleep in NO SCHOOL or WORK!! :p

Vonquisha turner said...

My name wasnt attached opps I made I don't care day.

Zabinski said...

I don't really care for holidays so personally I can't think of another holiday to create. All holidays that are already around already complete a want that I have.

Marissa Gautier said...

If i could make a holiday it would it NO SCHOOL day. That way the students and the teachers could just sleep in all day. The holiday would last for a a week.

Allyssa said...

If I could make a holiday it would be National Sleep All Day because I hate getting up early. No one would be allowed to wake anyone up early. We would all just sleep all day.

coty said...

If i made a holiday it would be national sleep day.

Caleb Dundlow said...

If I could create my own holiday I would call it don't go to school day. You wouldn't have to wake up early and not have to worry about doing work. I think people a lot of people would join!

Trey said...

If I could create a Holiday it would be National Music day. Because I would just walk around school all day Bumpin loud music all day. If someone told me to turn it down I wouldn`t.

Marc Cowling said...

If I could create a holiday it would probably another christmas. Not because I love christmas so much, but because I dont really care about this blog that much. So for lack of a better option,. christmas is my choice.

Anonymous said...

If I cuold make a holiday it be National Party day. I would just party all day and all night and noone could stop me.

Jeamis Britt said...

If I could have my own holiday it would definitely be a day when everyone stays at home and chill all day. I would call it National Sleep/Chill day ! I am one of those who hate gettin up early so nobody would have to wake up early at all. I think a lot of people would enjoy that day. This day would have to be a day during the week so NO SCHOOL just chill!

T.J. said...

My holiday would be don't go the school it would be celebrated for 4 weeks everyone would love that day. National No School Day In the month of May.

Kain C. said...

I have two ideas for a holiday. National Be somebody else day. Where you have to be another person you know, including clothes, personality, etc. Or national Exploding stuff day, where as the name implies, fireworks of all sizes are legal and must be set off.

Anonymous said...

My holiday would be national hunting day. On this day all hunters are allowed off of school and work to go hunting for the entire day. This would be the best holiday.
said by Josh

Sierra F said...

I would create a National Rock Out Day. On National Rock Out Day where no one would be allowed to complain about how loud anyone's music is.I think that many people would join in on my holiday since a lot of people love blaring their music just like I do. The loud music could be played anywhere; cars, houses, parties,and even in work establishments. The one condition would be that no one could complain about the loudness of said music no matter where it was being played.

Ryan said...

National "let the prisoners roam the streets day". This holiday would benefit all people who like being hurt, stolen from, and to be miserable for a day. Also, it would allow the prisoners to have fun for a day.

Quinterra said...

If I could have my own holiday it would be National Free Month. Everywhere you go you can get anything free for a month. I think it would be kind of fun. People would probably enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

The holiday that i would create would be National All-Game Day. Which hunters every were could hunt any animal that is in there area in that one day without reasonable bag limit of animals.

Chase Gore

Anonymous said...

Idunno what i would choose for my holiday. I don't really don't have anything that i wont to become a holiday.


Anonymous said...

A National Skip Day would be nice. We would all just skip school and work and everything. That way teachers AND students could benefit from it.

Erin Holtz

Danielle said...

I would create another 3 or 4 day weekend. So students could sleep, I would think that a lot or almost everybody would join it.

Anonymous said...

I think I would make a stay home from school day. This would be between only my best friends. We would use this day to just hang out and forget about the stress of the regular school day.


Anonymous said...

The holiday i would choose would have to be Chase's All-Game day. that sounds pretty awesome.

-Quinton Walters-

Sharod said...

National teen day where all teens just party all night, and hang at malls all day

Robbie jones said...

if i had to make a day it would have to be Robbie Appreaciation Day. I believe as an individual I should have a holiday to support my unique personality and dashing good looks. This holiday would be on November 28th, my birthday.

ALEX said...

Although I think Manuel has the best new holiday, I'll still give it a shot. As a brainstorm, I think I would invent a holiday like most others; presents, make believe character, no school. Definitely. The name could be short like Bolo Day. And it would be during a week we would be in school so we could get out of school to celebrate. Like most kids are scared of Santa at first, kids would stay scared of my character. They wouldn't want to see him so they could never say he was fake! You would receive your gifts under your bed. Adding breaking and entering to the scariness of the character. This could be celebrated by all religions so why wouldn't everyone want to join in on this one?

Jessica Bryant said...

National Date Day. This would require that no one would be able to stay home and everyone must go out on a date whether it be with a significant other or just friends. This would help to form relationships and also make people's relationships stronger.

Jake D. said...

I would make a NO SCHOOL DAY! Everbody would love my idea. Can you imagine not going to school beacuse of a made up holiday. That sounds pretty cool to me.

anna d. said...

If I could make a Nation Holiday I would probably make National Bum Day. I think most of the school would join because everyone likes to bum it down and wear sweat pants every now and then.

Amanda Chappell said...

If I could create my own holiday, I would make a National Beach Day! I love going to the beach, whether it is during the summer or the winter. However, this holiday would be on the hottest day there is in June, which will be decided annually. Everybody would have off of school and they could chose whatever beach they want to go to and whatever activities that they want to do there. I personally would spend the holiday at Nags Head shopping, having a picnic on the beach, and playing in the water. That sounds perfect and now, I am craving to go!

$hyanne said...

If I could make up a holiday it would be " National Wear Anything You Want To School Day". This day would be a day that there were no dress codes in school. Students would be allowed to wear what ever they prefer.

Delete my last comment :)

Leslie said...

I would create a day where everyone would have to spend the day outside, this includes not having school. It wouldn't matter what people did, they could walk around or even just lay outside and relax. I don't really have a name for this holiday, but as far as im concerned its self explantory. I think alot of people would participate in this day because it gives people a chance to be with friends or to just get stuff done that they need to do. Also, it has been proven that people that spend more time outside rather than in artificial lighting are less likely to need glasses; the natural lighting also strengthens eyes.

Alexandra said...

I think that National do really nothing at all just sit around the house and sleep. That would be a great to just sit around and do nothing all day. I honestly think that a lot of people would join that.

Gerald P. said...

If I could make any holiday I wanted, it would have to be World Gerald Perkins Appreciation Day where everyone in the world would have to do something for me or get me a gift. I would like to make that because I want everyone to make me feel like a king. So, everyone will have to give me a gift and I have to like it or you get exiled to Pluto. This will be on October 14, my birthday. Get me something nice.

Jasmine M. said...

This is tough. I s'pose I'd want to create a "No Government Day". A day where the government has no say and we don't have to abide by laws, go to school, go to work, do the normal boring stuff that's required normally. It would show all the "rebels" (the ones that think our government isn't good for our country) that the government and its laws do a lot for it. The holiday would create chaos and it'd be kind of "survival of the fittest" strategy. This holiday would only happen every 5 years though, so there clean up could take place.

Raegan Hasty said...

If I had the chance to create a holiday I would create a National Softball Appreciation Day. I believe softball players all of the world would celebrate it too. Softball rules!

SandY Cruz said...

My Holiday would be to Stop everything that You are doing for a Week and spend time with your family and friend..

Morgan Myers said...

If I could create a National Holiday it would be "National Wear-What-You-Want day." Everyone would be able to wear whatever they wanted without any rules. Any kind of dress code would not be followed, and you wouldn't get in trouble for disobeying it!

Kelsey Searcy said...

My ideal of an awesome holiday would be called Coffee-Toffee day! Drink coffee and eat toffee all day! It'd be fun.

Emma Grace said...

Well, I wouldn't make anyone treat me like a queen! Or anything selfish of that sort... But since my passion is baking; the holiday I would create, if not created already, would be called "Bake-arama Mania Day". (Guess how long it took me to come up with that one!) I'm not sure how many people would partake in such a day, but it'd be nice to see how things [baked goods] would turn out! Yummmm! (With Love, my sweet tooth!)

Dylan said...

If i could make a holiday it would probably Call of Duty day. All you would do if you are a Call of Duty fan is play Call of Duty all day long. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would participate in this holiday. Cause there are millions of people that love Call of Duty.

Caroline Steele said...

I think we should have a National Music Day! This would be so fun to have music playing really loud everywhere you went.(:

Anonymous said...

My holiday would be national flash mob day. At random times of the day people would just stop and dance. I think I would be really cool.

~Ashley Renee’ Rife~