A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. In life everyone will meet many people that say they are your true friend, but you will only make a few true friends in life. All friendships have ups and downs, but the ones who stick beside you through all of your trials and tribulations is considered to be a true friend. Sometimes you may think your bestfriend will be there forever, but they're really meant to be there for a certain part of your life. Figuring out the difference between a bestfriend and a true friend comes from within, no one can determine that for you. So, choose your friends wisely and never take a friendship for granted.
What does a friend mean to you? Who do you do you consider to be your bestfriend? Do you think you have met that one person you know will be that friend that will always be there for you?
Thanks:::: Alexis & Kianna