Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's Your Favorite Quote?!

Today I would like for you to blog about your favorite quote or quotes. Everyone has a saying that means something to them personally. It's like a personal message to yourself to hold on to.

Quotes come in many topics such as love, life, and friends.

My favorite quote would have to be one written by Marilyn Monroe, she said " When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." To me this would relate to life. People come and go and they all will say things they choose. If they want to waste time talking about you or what you do then you're already one step ahead of them.

Take the time to think about what your favorite quote is. Post the quote and explain why you chose this as your favorite. What does it relate to? Does it have any meaning to you? Who created it?

Thanks to today's guest blogger: Becca B.


jas said...

My favorite quote is "Aww I love You". I believe in telling everyone I love them. They say keep family close but keep your enemies closer. I try to avoid drama, but at the same time show kindness to the hater. Life is to short to play around.

larry bryant said...

Keith Bryant: My personal favorite quote is “When the outgoing quit going, the world stops spinning”. In this it means that you need happiness and fun in your life, people that make you happy and smile. If this does not come sadness and anger await.

amber furman said...

My favorite quote is "Live the life you love, love the life you live" from Bob Marley. I love Bob Marley and this is a very true saying. If we all lived by this, maybe instead of crying and fussing all the time, we would see how lucky we really are and to make the best if it. If you don't like the way your living, its nobodys fault but your own, so change it.

joey wells said...

My favorite quote would be “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. I have know clue who said it but I always keep that in mind. That quote falls into war and sports terms. And a way I look at it you don’t have friends it’s a dog eat dog world so everyone is enemies.

jacob said...

One of my favorite quotes is he who laughs last probably doesn’t understand the joke. It is true. It is also funny that is why I like it.

Anonymous said...

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die to-day.” I like this quote because it means dream big and live life to the fullest. Yes, this saying means something to me. James Dean wrote this Quote.

Kiana Baker said...

My favorite quote is “if you’re going to do something with your life then get ready, get set, go”. That’s related to life because some people actually want to do something with their life like go to college. That’s what I want to do and that’s why I set goals for myself because when I go to college I want to be a RN (registered nurse)

Tabitha said...

Quotes, quotes and more quotes. I love them! Everyday I search for the best quotes that a lot of people haven’t heard and I save them all up and I try to post one every other day on face book. My favorite quotes are ones that inspire people and ones that make people smile. I don’t have a favorite but I don’t have a favorite anything in this world but I love finding new quotes everyday. (:

Kaitlyn said...

I enjoy looking at funny quotes on Facebook that have no author credited. You don't know who came up with them, but they always make you laugh. My favorite would have to be "Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright, and then they speak." I like this quote because it basically deals with first impressions. First impressions are everything, but they aren't always accurate. This quote reminds me that after meeting a person one time, you don't know a lot about them, so you have no right to judge them. You don't know a person just by seeing them in the hall or in the grocery store. You only really get to know someone when you sit down and talk with them.

Savannah said...

My favorite quote would have to be “I’m a lover not a fighter, but I’ll fight for what I love.” This relates to my life, and I actually live by this. I don’t like to fight with people or get into fights with anyone, I am a lover, I try to get along with everyone. But if you mess with someone I care about I turn into a fighter. I don’t know who wrote the quote, all I know is I like that they did!

Oreobabyboohoo212 said...

My favorite quote is "My black is beautiful" because every black girl sometimes don't think they not pretty and some of them don't treat theirself right someone told them they're ugly. I know I'm beautiful and I will tell that to any girl that thing their not beautiful.

MaCayla said...

My favorite quote has to be “Don’t think about losing, think about winning.” I use this quote in life and in games. To me this is saying if you lose a game or something special don’t worry about it, just focus on winning and you will.

gamer2468 said...

I like the qoute action speak loader then words. I don't who made the qoute. The reason I like the qoute is because to me it is a way of saying judge a person by actions not words.

gabriellla said...

“A best friend will always be there for you if you fall”
Even if you are sad they will be there to help you with the damage. If you and a best friend fight you will still be friends. If you are hurt and upset it would be good to have a friend help you get better or back on track. Friends will be with you forever.Friends can talk almost about anything because theywill always care about you.
I like quote i said because it talks about friendship.

Leslie Umphlett said...

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself."
— Robert Frost

This quote is about life. It means to be who you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you how you should be. I like it because while I am quiet, it's not because I feel like I have to be because I'm worried what people will think of me. I'm quiet because I want to be sometimes. I have little concern for what people think of me.

afro said...

My favorite quote would be "The things you own end up owning you," from Fight Club. I don't like te idea of our generation focusing on materiel possesions without appreciating how good they have it. Life isn't about what you do, it's about how you do it.

Miss.Altman96 said...

My favorite quote is "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” -Maria Robinson. I love this quote because it doesn’t matter what your past is or where and how you grew up you can still change your life starting today. Don't let where you begin hold you back Let where you are now lead you there.

Ashlee said...

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

-Maria Robinson

I personally love this quote because it practically tells people that they can make a new beginning to their life and make the ending you want. You will definitely regret listening to the bad opinions people have of you and being something you're not. So make a new beginning and live the life that you want. Because you can't go back and make the changes. Ignore the people who are ignorant or rude towards you and live life the way you want to!


Jamie said...

My favorite quote is "Failure is a stepping-stone to greatness" by Oprah Winfrey. It's my favorite quote because when I fail at something, I learned from it and move on to the next step. Everybody should take this and ran with it.

LaTesha said...

"Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future." I like this quote because it relates to those who have already become responsible for themselves and who now possess the great quality of elegance. This is quoted from Coco Chanel.

kodevilishangel2 said...

I dont have a favorite quote but one of the best ones to me is: "I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled". This quote is by Johnny Depp and it truly speaks to me in almost every way possible. I dont like being labeled, which I am. Yet others who label people dislike it as well. it makes me wish everyday that this world would be judgemental free, but it's not. No one likes it so this quote is one to be followed.

april said...

"Live Life To The Fullest". This is a quote that you should go by. You never know when your going to die. You should do what you want to do in life.

tyler said...

My favorite quote is "A dogs bark is nothing compared to a dogs bite." It means while you keep talking, I'm doing something about it. Also it can mean what you say your going to do I'm I've already done it.

Fading Everlast said...

I have a few favorite qoutes but my most favorite of all is this "You never have to agree with anything, you just have to accept it". That qoute has carried me through life so far because it applies to every situation. I stand by this qoute because its always true. Even if you dont like something, you still have to accept it for what it is.

codybrlw said...

My personal favorite quote is "it's not funny to do something to others unless it's funny to do the same to you". What I mean by that is, treat people the way you want to be treated, and don't pick on them, unless, you want to be treated poorly and get joked on.

Cody Barlow

Brooke Sutphin said...

My favorite quote is "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them". This quote came from the movie She's the Man. I love that quote because it says there something great about everyone.

A said...

One of my favorite quotes is he who laughs last probably doesn’t understand the joke.It is also funny that is why I like it.