Obviously, you are aware that Osama bin Laden has been killed. Are you relieved, excited or feel a sense of justification now that he is dead? Why or why not? Do you think that the US will suffer any repercussions as a result of his death? Why or why not?
Keith Bryant: I feel that Osama bin Laden’s death was a good thing. Now hopefully our troops can be taken out of the Middle East, sooner than later. I feel terrorist will try to make some sort of repercussion but knows one can know how until it happens.
I think its a good thing he is gone he was an evil man. I think things might get a little better because now they can focus on fixing the money problems. Things might get bad because of Osama's followers.
I think it is great that he was killed. I am very relieved and a little worried at the same time. His people will be out for revenge after what we did. America may suffer more attacks then ever from them. But we are making progress so that's good.
I am glad he is dead, Osama was so powerful and his capturing after ten years is something to celebrate over. Although he is dead, in my opinion I wish all of his followers could be dead also. Osama had a plan and all his “friends” know that plan and I feel like there are Muslims in safe cells in the United States, and they have the plan and the time when they’re going to have something happen that’s going to be 10x worse that 9-11. I pray this does happen but our nation must watch ourselves, it’s horrible to say this but we really can’t do anything if their already in the United States and if there not we can’t let anybody in.
I do think some Americans who have lost loved ones in the war and at 9/11 feel relieved that justice has finally been served. He killed thousands of people, and now he has paid for it, but I do think that America will suffer from repercussions. Followers of bin Laden in the United States will be angry, and they will most likely want revenge.
I am relieved that Bin Laden is dead. He caused too much problems and hurt many people. He will suffer from what he did because he was evil. Evil people don’t go to heaven.
I feel his death was agood thing because he killed thousands of people. I think that him geting shot there is more peace in the east. And im a littlie relieved.
I think that the United States could still be in danger even if Osama bin Laden is dead. Or is he realy dead? How do we know that it wasn't someone who tried to play a role in being Osama. We could still be in great danger but, if he is really dead it is a great relief for the U.S. Although, we still have to be careful about Osama's friends/partners in crime.
I think he's gone. he has no heart at all. he shouldn't be killing other people. Now he knows how it feels to be hurt.
I think that Osama’s death was great, now we don’t have to keep looking for him. I hope that his followers don’t try to attack the U.S.
I think that Osama Bin Laden's death was really good! We have been looking for him for what seems like forever! So now hopefully all our troops can been taken out of there and sent home sooner than they thought. I think we might be under a bomb threat now that he is gone, and our goverment needs to be on alert, but there isnt any way to find out untill it is right here in our faces. So i hope we arent (:
I feel like his death was a good thing. I also feel that there will be somoe kind of repercussion. I also feel like the United States need to be aware of this matter also.
I think that his death was a good thing. He killed a lot of people. He should have been killed a long time ago.
I think the death of Osama bin Laden is great, we have been looking for him for awhile. Unfortunately, I think the United States will be a target. I am afraid that the people of his country are already making a plan of revenge.
I’m relieved that Osama is dead. I’m scared at the same time because I didn’t know about him until he died because everyone on my bus was talking about it. It’s a good thing he’s dead though. At the same time it just might get worse because for one, their blaming it on Obama of course because he’s the president and if someone is brave enough they might try to take Osama’s place.
I feel like Osama Bin Laden's deaeth was justified. Although this seems like a good thing at the moment, it seems like their is an entire list of reprecussions we can't predict. Unforunately all we could do at this point is wait and see, and hope that this will turn out for the best.
I am very glad that Osama has finally been served justice. And for the families who lost someone in the 2001 attack, I hope this eases your mind for you. But I am personally worried about this situation for my Dad's sake. He's over there with all of his angry followers and I am praying that he will be safe and protected. As long as he's alright, I am alright with this situation.
I think that it was good. Because he hurt a lot of people. I think it should have happened a long time ago.
Now that Osama bin Laden is dead now we can focus on other things. One is now we can get our troops out of Iraq and Afganistan and be done with it. Also we can focus more on Lybia and helping them out over there.
i really don't care that the man is dead or not. I am tried of hearing his name. I don't think that the US will suffer any repercussions as a result of his death.
I think that it's nice that us as a country doesn't have to worry about him anymore but it gets to a point where it's enough discussion about it. I also think that it's sad that his death is being celebrated in some ways. Even though he did some terrible things his death still shouldn't be celebrated like a holiday. He was still a human being and death of anyone should not be celebrated.
Actually, there has been no real proof that Bin Laden was killed. No photographic proof has been released and the only evidence of his death is a man claiming he killed him. Until I see any further proof of this man dead, than I cannot believe that he is.
I am happy he is dead he got what he deserved but I am not to excited that we killed him. It is a good thing he is dead of course but now we have to watch out. He still had followers and if they were strong enough to prepare 9-11 and all of that then who says they won’t do it again. I’m not scared or worried I just know that if someone was to kill our president we would retaliate so I’m guessing they will too.
Osama bin Laden being killed was a good thing. He was a terrible man, but I always thought that he was a sissy who hid in a cave for ten years. This time we are prepared for attacks unlike during 9/11. Osama may be dead, but that doesn't mean the war is over yet, but this is a victory.
Cody Barlow
Well of course his death is one of the best. 9/11 is a memorable date with many awful memories and stories because of him and the ones who wanted to follow. He got what he deserves and I am glad to say that after so many years they have finally rid of him, never to be found. I am not all that relieved since it wouldn't surprise me at all if people on his side get ticked off and plan revenge.
I am gald we dont have to worry about him anymore. But im worried about how the might try to get back at us. Another thing is if they saw we could find him im pretty sure we can find another man with another evil plan.
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