Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Break!

YEA!!! It is almost here. The long awaited spring break. How will you spend your break? Are you as excited as I am? It will be a week of yard work and some much needed rest. Of course, there will also be some much needed school work to be done. How about you? Do you have exciting plans for spring break? Take a few moments and respond to this post. Let us know what you plan to do. Or, would you rather be in school next week? On a different note, thank you for your hard work this semester. Keep it up. Have a great and safe break. See you next Monday.


Leslie Umphlett said...

This spring break I mostly intend to spend lots of time with my friends and family. I'm starting my spring break off by spending a weekend at my friends house. I also may go to the beach sometime next week, at least to walk around. I'm very, very excited.

MaCayla said...

This Spring Break, I am going to the beach with a whole bunch of my friends. It’s going to be an exciting and fun week! Hopefully I will come back really tan!

Anonymous said...

On my spring break I plan to go to my aunt's house, or stay with my grandmother. If I don't go to those places I will go to hampton to my cousins house. When I get back to school I plan to do no work .

jas said...

Spring Break!!!! I'm going to spend my Spring Break having fun. I'm going to Florida for a whole week. I love Spring Break because I'm out of school for a long time. No school work, no teachers, no busses..yess!!!! Spring Break for me starts today!!

gamer2468 said...

I am SO glad spring break is almost here. I plan on getting a whole lot of rest from during break. I don't think I'm going to do a lot of school work.

Anonymous said...

I’m defiantly ready for Spring Break!! It’s great to have a small vacation, after long weeks of school work, sports, and just everything else. This Spring Break I plan on hanging out with my friends, going to the movies, and hitting up the mall for some much needed shopping! Yeah I’ll miss school a little bit, but I think everyone’s ready to get some extra sleep, not have to worry about homework, and studying for tests. Then when we come back from break, will be glad to see everybody :)

Kaitlyn said...

This spring break I will be doing A LOT of cleaning, and I might get to hang out with a few friends. I am very excited to take a break from school. Spring Break is always a good time to get together with friends and family.

Becca Banta said...

My spring break isn’t going to be that pleasant unfortunately . I have to get my wisdom teeth taken out. Fun! The only great thing about my spring break is going to be finding my prom dress. I’m excited for spring break though, don't have to attend school. Hopefully I will be able to go to the beach a few times, get a nice tan. :)

jacob said...

I am going to get my friends to come over. We are going to ride go-carts and stuff. We might go to NC maybe.

Valen said...

I am very excited. I was supposed to go to Ohio with my best friend Myiah but I’m not anymore. I’m just going to tan and hangout at the beach with my friends and of course go shopping.

Heather said...

Iam very excited for Spring Break, mostly because I get to sleep in, but for some other things too. I do have some work to do over break. I am also going to be going to Massachusettes to see my Dad and three younger siblings. Then I am going to New York to bring my granmother back to virginia for a while. I am really glad not to be in school this next weel, it will be a nice break.

amber furman said...

My spring break is going to be some crap! I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out so i'll be sleeping my spring break away in bed. I am so glad I won't be in school though. Thank you spring !

larry bryant said...

Keith Bryant: I am so excited for this spring break. I am so exhilarated for the trip for the college search. Me and my mother are going to Virginia Tech. From Monday to Wednesday we will be there, and Wednesday we will be leaving and early and going to VMI.

gabriellla said...

I am going to spend my spring by maybe going on vacation and spending time with best friends. I may also be going to the mall and the movies. I am kind of excited to have spring break.

Oreobabyboohoo212 said...

FINALLY, I really need a week off school. I have so much planed on spring break. I'm going to with my friends, movies, everywhere. I can't wait. for this week. :)

Savannah said...

I am so excited for spring break!!!![:
I am going to my mom’s for a few days and then coming home to spend time with my dad and all my friends! I’m looking forward to not having any work to do during the break and I can sleep in[: I am probably more excited than Mr. Downing, just because im a teen and i can't wait to hit the beach!

Kiana Baker said...

I’m so excited about spring break, but for me mines don’t start until Saturday after the track meet. What I plan on doing on Spring Break is going to the movies with the family to see Rio and going to Busch Gardens with Bruce and his mom Stephanie. After that, I’m going to be getting the rest I don’t usually get during the week because of school.

afro said...

This Spring Break is going to be very boring on my part. I know that I'm not going anywhere like my other friends, but nonetheless I think everyone needs this time off. Of course I'm sure my plans will change somehow over the next week.

codybrlw said...

This spring break I am not exactly sure what I might do. I do know I will get some much needed sleep. I might go fishing for a while.
Cody Barlow

tyler said...

This spring break I don't plan on doing anything. So most of my time is going to be sleeping and playing football with some friends. So those are my plans hopefully yours is way better than mine.

Brooke Sutphin said...

This spring break should be alot of fun because im going to the beach with a few of my close friends and family. Before I leave for the beach I have softball games that I look forward to playing!

kodevilishangel2 said...

Well my springbreak is definatley going to be the mall, of course the bestfriends will be with me over this much needed break. Movies sound good and I may hit Va beach and just hangout. Sleeping in will have never been better!

april said...

I plan on spending spring break home. Going outside playen and practicing baseball with my little brother. Hanging with friends also. My brother's team got picked to go to the tides game and go out on the field in front of everyone. So I will have fun at the tides game wednseday night.

LaTesha said...

This spring break I plan on doing a lot of shopping. I also plan to go to the beach. I can't wait to spend time with friends a family also.