Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool!

You should have seen this blog coming. Today is April Fool's Day. In many ways this is one of my favorite days of the year. Be prepared, you never know what may happen today! Most people enjoy a good joke or prank, as long as it is not on them!

Here is a link to the history of April Fool's Day. Check it out and read about April Fool's Day.

What did you learn about April Fool's Day? Do you enjoy it? Do you have a favorite prank you have seen, done to somebody else or read about?


jas said...

I enjoy April Fool's Day. Its a great day to just enjoy laughter and our craxy friends. Its kind of my favorite day too because I get to play unusual pranks on my friends and family. April Fool's Day is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I learned that April fool’s day is celebrated all around the world! And that in countries like New Zealand, and Australia the jokes only run until noon. I’ve seen people get pranked before, but I don’t think I’ve ever been pranked! I guess I’ll just have to see what happens on this April Fool’s!

MaCayla said...

I learned that in New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia, and South Africa jokes only last until noon. In the U.S., Canada, France, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, and many more countries jokes last all day! April Fool’s Day is not a national holiday, but it is recognized all around the world. It isn’t my favorite day, but I like it. I don’t really have a favorite joke or prank.

Savannah said...

I learned that April Fools' Day is celebrated all around the world on the April 1st of every year. Its sometimes referred to as “All fools day”, April 1st is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day where everyone plays all kinds of jokes on people around them. Traditionally, in some countries like New Zealand, and Ireland the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". I love April fool’s day, playing pranks on people is fun! My favorite prank was when I stayed with a friend and we called my parents and told them we were in Canada [: My parents flipped out and got so mad, saying April fool’s to them was HILARIOUS!

Kaitlyn said...

I learned that there was a double agent named April Fool, and that there was a Beabie Baby bear for April Fool's Day. Usually, on April Fool's Day, I'm the one who gets joked on, but when I do get a joke in, the day's pretty awesome. I have a very funny April Fool's Day prank, but I don't think the person it was done to would want me to share it.

Kiana Baker said...

I really don’t see the point in April fool’s day because like any day, anybody can play tricks on anyone. I agree that it’s the one day everybody tries to get a good laugh because I know I do. I haven’t really pranked anyone before; I just like to laugh at other people when they get pranked. Haha

larry bryant said...

Keith Bryant: I feel that April fools day is a fun an exciting day full of scares and enjoyment. Many people find it as just another day, but why when you could have fun and tell jokes. So I feel we should live it up have and have a good day.

amber furman said...

I didnt know that in New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Australia, and South Africa, the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an April Fool. I don't really like April Fools day a lot. Its kinda pointless to me but if someone else likes to go around playing jokes then go for it! As long as I am not the on getting pranks im okay.

gamer2468 said...

I think April Fool's day is a fun holiday. The reason I like April Fool's day is because you can play joke's on people and not get in trouble. I plan on making a few joke's on my class today.

Ash said...

I don't really like April fool's day because sometimes people play the wrong tricks on people. Sometimes people end up getting into fights over April fool's day. I think if someone is going to play a trick on someone then they should do a simple prank.

joey wells said...

I learned April Fools Day is not a national holiday. I like waching pranks I realy don't like doing them or them done on me.

jacob said...

I learned that many other countries celebrate this holiday. And yes I like April fool’s day because it’s fun playing jokes on people. My favorite joke is the one where Mr. downing says it is snowing outside.

Oreobabyboohoo212 said...

Well to be honest, I really not a big fan over April fool's day. I mean, what's the point of making a hoilday of getting pranked all day but you can get pranked everyday. But I did pranked alot of people and it's really fun. Haha :)

Valen said...

I’ve never really been fooled. I normally know what’s going to happen, or I just go with it to make the other person feel better. I think the only time I’ve ever been pranked was when my brother woke me up at 3 in the morning and changed my alarm clock and I was the only one up. My parents were really upset because I ran into their room and woke them up... They were not happy at all!

gabriellla said...

April fools can fool some people. The blog is cool about April fools day. It is sometimes easy to fool someone. I am going to fool my best friends today. I already got one of my teachers today which is very cool because I can get other people later. I plan on getting my best friend Jacquelynn next block.

Anonymous said...

On April Fool's day I like to joke around and play pranks on people. Also April Fool's day is a notable day celebrated in many countries. No i have have , But I plan to get alot of people with jokes today.

afro said...

I learned that April Fool's Day is the result of an old typo. I don't actually practice this "holiday", but I have to say the lengths some people will go to are impressive. Probably the most interesting to me was Dick Smith hauling a fake iceberg to Sidney. To me that shows dedication to making a joke work.

tyler said...

April Fools' Day is also one of my favorites of the year. All the jokes are great along as they are on some one else especially the hummilating ones. The prank I heard was on Mr. Ellis when we taped his phone so it would keep ringing ans he would always say " hello Ellis.

Miss.Altman96 said...

I learned that the beanie baby company made a teddy bear just for April fools day. I love April fool’s day it’s so funny to see all the jokes people pull on people. I love seeing my friends reaction when I pull a joke on them.

LaTesha said...

I like April Fool's Day little bit. Sometimes people take their April Fool's Day pranks too far. In general April Fool's Day is a fun filled holiday.

kodevilishangel2 said...

April fool's day is alright. Im not big on making the jokes as much as I am people playing pranks and jokes on me. I mean we all have to laugh at ourselves I do it everyday actually. Well I have specific friends (the gullable ones) I pull pranks on and trick. It's an okay kind of holiday for me I guess.

Brooke Sutphin said...

I learned that in some countries you can only joke till noon. I dont really consider it a hoilday to me, because its just a day when people joke with each other which most people catch on after a few joke, and I dont realy have a favorite joke.

codybrlw said...

I see April Fools day as a day to play pranks on people. I never knew that it was also a movie. I did know it went around other parts of the world.

Cody Barlow

Ashlee said...

I'm not a huge fan of April Fool's Day. I've had a terrible experience with a bad prank when I was little, so I tend to stay by myself on this day. Nothing against the day, but the pranks can get totally out of hand. I would rather stay away from pranksters on April Fool's Day.

Jamie said...

I like April Fool's day. I love joking or pulling pranks on my friends. My favorite prank is 'you have something on your shirt or pant'. April Fool's Day is a great day!

A said...

I like April fools day.You can joke and prank people.It`s be celebrated all around the world.