Jets, Steelers, Packers or Bears? The final playoff games prior to the Super Bowl are on Sunday. Who will you be cheering for, and why? If you are not pulling for any of these teams, then tell us what you will be doing Sunday afternoon and evening.
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The Steelers will go all the way. Mike Wallace is too good for any team to stop. The Steelers' defense needs to stop the Jets' offense and pressure Sanchez. Next stop: Super Bowl!
I will be in Blackstone, Virginia spending time with my sister Erin. I don't think we will be watching the game. If I was watching the game it will have to be the Steelers. I don't like them but that's my choice if I had to pick. The reason why is because the Steelers have won so many Super Bowl games and I have faith in them this year that they will pull through and win. GO STEELERS!!!!! :)
The Steelers are the best. They are going to win because they are to good. I'm just going to chill on Sunday and watch some tv and play video games.
My brother likes the Steelers, so I guess you can say I am cheering for them. I want the Steelers to win because if they don't win, that is the only thing my brother will talk about until the next football season starts. The only thing that is on T.V. at my house is the sports channel. I have enough of it already, which is one year. Although he hates hockey and baseball, he will still watch it. I am not sure about my Sunday plans yet, if I am not watching my brother's game.
I do not like any of these teams, but I am rooting for the New York Jets, because they are doing really well right now and they might take it all the way. This Sunday afternoon I will be watching the playoff games. The two teams that will be in the Super Bowl are Pittsburgh and New York.
The team that I'm cheering for is the Steelers. Well for one the Steelers are my favorite football team and my whole family likes them. The second thing is their defense is unstoppable. I think Ben the QB should pull it off as him playing his position.
I'm going for Green Bay to win the Superbowl. I will be watching all of the games. Lets go Packers!!!
I am not watching the game because my team is not going. I can't stand the Steelers because I think they cheat. I know my Dad will watch but I'm not going for anyone especially the Steelers.
I will be cheering for no one because I don't like those teams because I am a Redskins fan and I am proud of it. All I am doing Sunday is going to church in the a.m. and going for youth at 6:00.
I am pulling for the Jets. Mark Sanchez is a good quarterback, and I dont like any other teams in the playoffs. I would like to see a young quarterback like Sanchez win the Superbowl. That is who I am pulling for. And I do not like the Steelers they are overrated.
I will be rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday. I will be pulling for them bcause I have a been a Steelers fan all my life. They will win because most of our offensive palyers are healthy now. The reason we will be going to the Super Bowl and will win the Super Bowl is because of Troy Polamaulu and the Pittsburgh Steeler defense.
The Jets are going straight to the Super Bowl. I think the Jets are going win because, there running game is crazy. They are good on defense to they have a very good coach. I think it will be the Jets and the Steelers in the Super Bowl!
The Steelers will crush the competition. The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl. I will be watching the Games with my cousin on his big flat screen.
I'm not pulling for any of these teams. I am a Redskins fan and there not going. If I had to pick a team it would be either the Jets or the Steelers.
The GreenBay Packers, and the Jets all the way. Those will probably the top two. I dont really know why, i probably won't even watch it because I have practice, but that's who I think it's between to win. I'll be with my girls, and then volleyball.
I hope the Pittsburgh Steelers will win the AFC Championship and the Super Bowl, as they are my favorite team. I will be watching every NFL game from now until the end of the season. I am looking forward to see who goes to to the Super Bowl.
I am not pulling for any team because I don’t like any of the teams. I will still be watching the games on Sunday afternoon. I still like watching the games though.
I’m not really pulling for anybody. None of them are my favorite team so I don’t care who wins. I’m probably not doing anything on Sunday, just maybe hanging out with friends.
I think the Steelers will win. Even though I don't want them to get another ring and they are not my team I want them to win. The Steelers have been on point in their recent games. I thought they were going to lose but it was a close game and they turned it around.
This Sunday when the playoffs come on I probably will be cheering for the Bears, because there the only team I like that’s still playing. I’m a Dolphin and I would never cheer for the Jets, also the Steelers have won too many Super Bowls so it would be nice to see someone else win it. But I don’t know about the Packers cause I really don’t care for them but some of my family likes them, but I still want the Bears to win it all so go Bears!
I don't like any of these teams but the team I'm cheering for is the steelers because they are good.
What I think the Packers is going to win this year. Cause the team last year didn't went to the Super Bowl. But this year Packers got better players.
I think the Steelers will win. They have very good players. The jets have no chance of winning. That’s what I think.
I think the Jets will go all the way. Lt can't be stop.I'm going to watch the game sunday and watch the Jets beat the Steelers.
I think the Steelers will go to the Super Bowl. I think the Steelers will win. I will be watching the game.
I'm going for the Steelers. The Steelers are good. I'm pretty sure they're going to win.
I am pulling for the Steelers. This year we are going to get our 7th ring. I have been a Steelers fan all my life and nothing can change my mind.
I will not be pulling for either of these teams in the playoffs. I’m more of a Rugby man myself. Sunday I’m going to be relaxing on my day off.
MY team isn't gonna be in the superbowl this year. I am not really going for any team to win it. So whoever wins it good for them.
The Steelers are going to get sent home. Yes, they do have an amazing defense but that will not be enough. I'm going to be at home watching this game on sunday.
This Sunday i will be watching the games. I will be cheering for the Steelers because that is my father's favorite team and if they win good things happen for me. In the end the Super Bowl will include the Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers.
I'm not pulling for any of these teams. I am a Patriots fan. I'm not into football that much. I'd rather chill with friends than watch a football game.
I will be cheering for the Steelers because they are my all time favorite team! I have always been a Steelers fan and so is everyone else in my family. I will be watching the game for sure!
I wont be watching the game, because I am a redskins fan and they are the only team I cheer for(: so I most certainly wont be watching any other team. I will be busy this weekend and on Sunday my little cousin turns 8, so I will be at her birthday party.
I want the Jets and the Packers to play in the Super Bowl. Even though it should be the Steelers who make it. I like the Jets because a few of their players went to UVA.
I’ll be cheering for the Jets because that’s my family’s team. The Jets aren’t a bad team I think their pretty good. I personally like the Steelers a little more but I don’t think it matters too much I’ll go for either team. :)
I'm gonna be going to spend time with my mom this Sunday. I won't be watching football. I'll be in church.
I'm a Ravens fan, so I'm definitely not going for the Steelers. I'm going for the GREEN BAY PACKERS BABY! I hate "Steelers" fans because they only like them because they've won so many Superbowls and because they're hop on's. I was born and raised new Baltimore, therefore, I watch the BALTIMORE RAVENS. But I will watch the the game Sunday, like I do every Sunday. I'm a huge football fan.
The jets are gonna win. Because I don't like the other teams and I like most of their players.
Probably going to watch the games
I will be cheering for the packers, because I don't like the other teams.I like the Packers but they are not my favorite team.
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