Was there any doubt in your mind about today's blog topic? Today is Veterans Day. What do you know about this holiday? Why is it important to remember Veterans Day and celebrate this holiday? Here is a link that can give you a better understanding about Veterans Day.
Who is a veteran? How many do you know?
Your assignment. Check out the link. Tell me in a paragraph of at least three good sentences the history of Veterans Day and why it is important to remember and celebrate it.
Veterans day is about a tribute to the troops. All of the veterans that were in war or are still in war are saluted. Veterans day is a really good holiday. Veterans day is a day I always remember.
The Treaty of Versailles ended World War 1 on June 28,1919. Armistic Day became a holiday in 1926. June 1, 1954 was changed to Veterans day to honor all of the US veterans
Veterans day is a very important day. It’s a time where friends and family get together and this about all the veterans. It’s a time of prayer for all the men and women in Iraq fighting for our freedom today
I think this holiday is very important. we need to celebrate the soliders who has fought for us. and last but not least we need to remember the ones who are fighting now.
It is important to remember and celebrate Veterans Day because the Veterans who served for our country, gave our freedom. Veterans Day is celebrated on the eleventh month of the eleventh day on the eleventh hour. Veterans day is also called Armistice Day.
Veterans day is observed in the United States in honor of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration of the armistice that ended World War I in 1918. Veterans Day is so important to our nation. It is important because we wouldn't be free if it wasn't for our navy, marines, army, and all the special forces we have had and now. We should respect them because they are giving there lives for us to be a free country. A Veteran is a person who has had long service or experience in a particular occupation or field. I know a couple because my Grandaddy was in the navy, a person I know is over seas right now. Veterans Day is very important to me.
Verters day is about a tribute to the troops I know alot of them. THey give there life up for us everyday.
I think this holiday is overlooked. This holiday is a day we give thanks and appreciation to our soldiers.I like to spend this day with my family that served in the army.
On veterans you honor all the people who fought in the war. The people who died and who survived. That is what veterans day is about.
Austin Hyler
Veterans day is a tribute to the troops. It also is a day to show honor to Veterans. It is a privelage to support the troops and veterans.
It is important to understand that Veterans Day is a memorable day to think about the Americans that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. It is important and we should be thankful of what they did. That is what i think about Veterans day.
Veterans day is one of those days that everyone in the United States comes together. Veterans day is all about giving a tribute to the troops. We need to give the troops their respect for their hard work fighting over seas.
I only know one veteran and that is Mr. Downing. I was trying to pay attention but did not hear what was said. Next time I will pay more attention.
Veterans day is a day to celebrate all vetern soldiers. It is so that we remember all of the soldiers we lost and the ones who are still around. Plus the ones that are still fighting the war.
Veterans day is about a tribute to the troops. It became this holiday in 1926, but a national holiday 12 years later. It honors all the people who have been or are in a war.
The treaty of Versailles ended war war one. The reason that this holiday is so important is because it is a day to celebrate the men and women who served in the U.S. armed services. I know many veterans and one being my favorite teacher Mr. Downing!
No, i knew today's topic would be about Veteran's Day. I know that Veteran's Day was made for the rememberance of all of the people in our country that have helped us today keep our freedom. It is good to remember this day because if we had no body that is strong and fierce or has enough courage to go out , and get on the fields and they know they might not live but yet they go out their and fight for our flag. My stepdad and I know also Mr. Downing is a veteran. Thank you to all of those who gave up their lives or even just their time to fight for our country. That shows alot ! <3
I think Veteran's Day is a great way to honor the people that once served in our country's military services. I have had teachers that are veterans and also people in my family that served. I appreciate all that they have done to ensure our freedom and think Veteran's Day is a time for well due appreciation.
Veteran's Day is the day that we honor our troops that served in the U.S.A on this day. It is one of the two days that we are honoring our lost troops and family/friends. We should all honor our troops on this day.
We celebrate Veterans day for the people served in the marines. The people had secraficed there life for America. Veterans day was first celebrated in 1926.
I think Veteran’s day is a very important day. Veteran’s day gives tributes to veterans in the wars. On this day, we should take a moment and give thanks to the veterans that have served for our country.
Veterans day is a tribute to the soliders who fought for the US. Armistic Day became a holiday in June 1,1926.In 1954 it was changed to Veterans Day to honor all veterans.
I think that Veteran’s Day is a really important day. We celebrate it because it is a tribute to our veterans. Without our veterans we wouldn’t of had anyone to fight our battles.
On November 18, 1918, became a holiday in the United States named Armistice Day. Then it became a national holiday 12 years later. On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all U.S. veterans. I think all Americans should celebrate it to honor all the veterans that have fought in a war and risk their life. Overall, I think Veterans Day is the most important holiday to celebrate.
World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The actual fighting between the Allies and Germany, however, had ended seven months earlier with the armistice, which went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918. Armistice Day, as November 11 became known, officially became a holiday in the United States in 1926, and a national holiday 12 years later. On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all U.S. veterans.
i dont know any veterans
Veterans day is a very important day. It's a time where we honor the soilders.Veterans day is also called Armistice Day.
Veterans Day is a memorable holiday for those who have died or retired from the military, and the troops that are still in the Military. The ones who have died will always be remembered and appreciated for what they have done on this National holiday for years to come. This holiday used to be called armistice day but then was changed to Veterans Day.
I think Veteran’s day is a very important day. Veteran’s day gives tributes to veterans in the wars. On this day, we should take a moment and give thanks to the veterans that have served for our country.Veterans day is observed in the United States in honor of veterans of the armed services and in commemoration of the armistice that ended World War I in 1918.Veterans fought hard for their lives.
Verterans Day is very important to honor the men and women who have fought and died for our freedom. It's very honorable of someone to put their life on the line for individuals they have never met and probably never will. That, to me, is true love for a country and the good of mankind. I believe veterans should be honored all year, not just one day. They do too much for us to only honor them one day.
Veteran's day is a special day set aside for all veterans and active soliders. On this day all americans should give thanks to all of our veterans for serving our country. I mean if you think about it what would have we done without them?
Veterans day is a day to remember and honor our nations trops. People all over the world get together to celebrate this day. The treaty of Versailles ended World War 1 on June 28, 1919. Years later it became federal holiday.
Veterans Day is very important. It is to honor the veterans. Its on the 11th day of the 11th hour of the 11th month.
Veterans day was started on the eleventh month, the eleventh day, and the eleventh hour.
Veterans day is about a tribute to our troops and how they have gave up their lives for the U.S.A. each day. This is a very important day for alot of friends and family to come together with other loved ones. We should be thankful for what our troops do for our country. :)
Veterans Day is a federal holiday ment to show respect for the men and women who died in World War 1 & 2. World War 1 was finally over by due to the Treaty of Versailles. To this day, Veterans Day is still celebrated.
Veterans day is about remebering the people who had sacrificed themselves to help other people in our country. Six states have over 1million veterans or more.
World War 1 ended on June 28, 1919 with the singing of the Treaty of Versailles. We remember our troops that fought for us on this day. Even the ones that have passed away.
Veterans Day is a really important day. It is a holiday to remember the people who fought for our country. I think Veterans Day is the most important holiday to celebrate.
Veterans Day is a very important holiday. It's a day where you honor the soldiers that have fought for us in the past, present and future. We should all be thankful for the Veterans.
We celebrate Veterans Day for the marines. World War 1 ended on June 28, 1919. On june 1, 1954 the name was changed to Veterans Day in honor of all U.S veterans. National ceremonies for Verterans Day around the Tomb of the Unknown.
Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day; it commemorated the signing of the armistice for World War 1 on November 11, 1918 on the eleventh hour. Armistice Day became an official holiday in 1926, 12 years later it became known as Veterans Day to honor all veterans of war. If Veterans Day falls on Saturday it is celebrated on Friday, if it is Sunday it is held on Monday.
I know that Veterans Day is a day where you honor people that have been in the navy, army or any thing like that. It's important because, some peole that where in the army may have passed away so we honor the things they do and the lives they saved. When World War 2 happend a lot of our veterans survived but lives were lost.
To me, Veterans Day is all about remembering who serves our country and the people who died fighting for our country. In June 1926 Armistic Day became a holiday. Some Veterans I know include: My Grandfather- retired Navy veteran, and Mr. Downing. Veterans Day is a Day I will always remember because I will always be thankful to the ones who risk their lives for our country.
Verterns Day used to be called Armistic Day. This became a holiday in 1926. the it was changed to Verterns day on June 1, 1954, for us to honor all vertans that gave their lives for us!
Veterans Day is a holiday to remember veterans and troops. It is also known as Armistice Day. I think it is a great holiday. We should all remember it.
In 1968, Veterans Day was changed to the fourth Monday in October.
I know that they risk their lives everyday for us. I know they fight for our country. World War one was knowen as the great war.
World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
I will always remember Veterans day.
Veterans day is a day in history to appreciate the ones who died in war.
I will always respect my Veterans.
Veterans Day is a holiday, it's time to honor the ones who have been so brave and risked their lives for us. These troops have had so much strength and courage to go and fight for our country. Everyone should take the time to honor ones who have served in the military services and for the ones who are serving now. My Grandfather nearly died back in the day when he was over in Vietnam, and my father served in the Navy. I give thanks to all that have fought for the U.S.A! It's a tough battle out there, and they have chosen to fight it for us.
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