Tonight at sunset, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins. Many people mistakenly refer to it as the "Jewish Christmas." Is that accurate? Probably not.
So, how much do you know about Hanukkah? This website is packed full of information about the holiday. Is it really like Christmas, or something completely different? Do you know people who celebrate Hanukkah? Is it like the Adam Sandler "Hanukkah Song?' with eight nights of presents? Or is it something more?
Here is your assignment. Research this holiday and learn at least two interesting facts about it! Tell us about them in your reply. Let's see two facts should mean two paragraphs. But, I will go a little easy today. Give us at least five sentences! Nothing less! And remember to proofread!
The song was very interesting. It is something different than Christmas. They light the menorah. Then they play Dreidel. Chanukah means dedication or induction. Dreidel is Yiddish for a spinning top.
Hanukkah also known as Chanukah, Hanukah, Hannuka and the Fes-tival of Lights is an eight-day Jewish holiday. It usually takes place between late November and late December. It commemorates the victory of the Maccabees a Jewish rebel army, over the Syrians in 165 B.C.E., as well as the subsequent rededication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem. Jews around the world celebrate with eight nights of merriment. Traditions include lighting the menorah, exchanging gifts and enjoying treats cooked in oil.
Hanukkah is an interesting holiday. Jewish people celebrate this holiday. They have eight nights of celebration and light a candle for each night.
Thank you.
Hanukah is a Jewish holiday. It is celebrated in December. Christians have Christmas in December. There are many famous Jews. Adam Sandler and Taylor Mays are both Jewish. All and all Hanukah is a very important Holiday.
I do not celebrate Hanukkah. The candle holder is called the Menorah. It holds 8 candles. One of the candles is in the and is elevated above the others. The flames should be fueled by wax or oil.
Well I learned that Hanukkah starts today. Before today I really didn't know anything about Hanukkah except that it's celebrated by Jewish people. Another thing that I learned is that people, mostly kids, that celebrate Hanukkah play with something called a dreidel. A dreidel is a four-sided spinning top with a Hebrew letter on each side. In America these letters stand for "A Great Miracle Happened There" but in Israel they mean something a little bit different. They mean "A Miracle Happened Here".
The Menorah became a symbol of Hanukkah after the rededication of a temple. The amount of ceremonial oil was predicted to run out after one night, but it lasted for eight. Most sects light one candle a night, adding another each night, until all nine candles are lit on the eighth night. Certain sects do thsi in reverse to symbolize the decreasing amount of oil. They start with all candles lit, and subtract one each night.
Chanukah is a Jewish holiday that seems to be a very interesting one. One tradition of Chanukah consists of eating foods fried in oil such as potato pancakes and donuts. The word Chanukah means dedication or induction. The tradition of giving gifts was altered from the original tradition of giving money to one another. Cool holiday, I should get into it.
I think that the Hanukkah song is funny song by Adam Sandler. I also learned that the candle for Hanukkah is called a Menorha. I also know that they play a game on Hanukkah with a top. Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights. Hanukkah commemorates the Maccabees military victory over the Greek Syrians.
I do not know very much about Hanukkah. I learned that the candles on the Menorah stand for the one day supply of gas that kept burning for eight days, and the ninth candle is used to light the other candles. Also, the word dreidel means spinning top in Yiddish. They have four sides, are pointed, and have one Hebrew letter on each side. The Hebrew letters make a phrase that, when translated to English, means "A great miracle happened there."
I really enjoyed the Hanukkah song. Adam Sandler is very funny!
Happy Hanukkah!!
I think Hanukkah is pretty cool but I like Christams better. Some intersting facts that I learned about Hanukkah was in 1987 a Chanukah Menorah was placed atop the Statue of Liberty. I also learned that the first night of Chanukah can never fall out on Monday night. Thanks for the blog it was nice. Have a nice weekend Mr. Downing!
That song was funny. Adam Sandler is really funny, well I think he is anyway. The candle holder is called a Menorah and they light one candle a day. Its celebrated between November and December.It commemorates the victory of the Maccabees, a Jewish rebel army, over the Syrians in 165 B.C.E.as well as the subsequent rededication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Chanukah is an interesting holiday. They eat oily foods during Chanukah to commemorate the miracle of oil burning for eight days. A day of oil lasted for eight in a bible story. The dreidel was a toy kids played with to cover up their studies when Judaism was outlawed. The words on dreidels mean a miracle happened here.
Happy Hanukah is pretty cool, i never really celebrated it. My family is more interested in Christmas! The Syrian-Greeks during the Maccabean War; but, to everyone's amazement, Elazar the Maccabee killed the lead elephant single-handedly.
The Hanukkah holiday is celebrated for eight days and eight nights. Also, the word Hanukkah can be correctly spelled many different ways, including Chanukah, Chanukkah, and Hanukah. Traditions of Hanukkah include lighting the menorah, exchanging gifts and enjoying treats cooked in oil. During the lighting of the menorah, the candles are added onto the special candelabrum from right to left, but are lit only from left to right. Gifts are also exchanged during the festival of Hanukkah, just like during the Christmas holiday.
Most people Hanukkah the same. Some name it Chanukah. Oil is the key ingredient used to cook with during Hanukah. I gambling game called dreidel is played. I loved the Adam Sandler video.
Hanukah is a very important holiday in the Jewish community. And I asstually have more respect for Hanukah than I do for Chirstmas. I say this because you don't see many stores using Hanukah for a reason to have big sales. I did find out that Hanukah was created after the Jews broke free of Greek control. Also the original Menorah was lited with only enough oil for one day and acctually lasted eight.
On this holiday, they eat foods fried in oil. They light candles each night and sing songs. It is usually celebrated between late November and December. It says on this holiday they thank God for bringing the strong into the hands of the weak. The light in the middle or the extra light is called a Shamash (guard).
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