The television series "Wipeout" returns to ABC tonight! Wipeout is a reality/game show using a water/mud obstacle course where most contestants get "wiped out." Oh, did I mention that contestants compete for a cash prize? Last season it was $50,000. So obviously the contestants are motivated!
Granted, this show appeals to the male viewer. However, I know plenty of ladies who watched it fervently last summer. Are you traveling this summer? A version of this show is also broadcast in Japan, Australia and England. Watch the video. What do you think? Will you be watching tonight? Tell us what you think!
I actually am looking forward to watching this show. It looks very interesting and exciting to watch. I sorta like TV shows that involve obstacle courses and competition.
This show sounds like it is a good show and entertaining. But if I plan on watching the show tonight, its probably not going to happen cause I will forget.
It looks like a pretty cool show. But, I do not have the time to watch that show. It doesn't interest me enough to remember to watch that show.
No i won’t be watching this show i really don’t see the point to this show. It’s just like any other game show out there.
I am not quite sure if im traveling tonight. This show looks pretty interesting. I think I just might have to watch it.
I am traveling this summer to Texas and to North Carolina. This show does not seem to compliment humanity at all. I will not be watching tonight since I do not watch TV that much.
As much as I like watching people make fools of themselfes, i have better things to do.
I think the show was pretty funny. They stole a lot of ideas from the show MXC though, which is a lot funnier and all around better. It seems like it would be impossible to win that money! It would be a good show to watch when you need a laugh.
Of course I will be watching tonight!! I love that show, its so funny to watch people go through the obstical course. I am excited to see the niw catipult in the final stage this season that I saw on a preview. Can not wait!!
I think that this is a really great show. I have seen this show before and I enjoy watching it if I could I would watch it all the time.
This is probably the funniest blog, we have ever done. I want to watch this show. Hiliarious!
This show is very funny, and ill most likely watch it if nothing else is not on
lots of people getting hurt on an obstacle course. kind of funny. The best thing is when people say they're going to dominate the course, but end up falling face first. The commentary was also hilarios
Wipeout seems to be a very funny show. The show is funny for its overzealous contestants and the commentators who comment about them. The obstacle course looks very fun. I would love to have a chance to go on the course. I may not do well but many people have not done well. I plan to watch this show if I catch it on television. I need the money, I need the money, And I need the money.
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